Tuesday, February 26, 2013

S.S. Guard: Occupation?
Moses: I am a writer, I play the flute.
Itzhak Stern: But Moses is also a skilled metal worker, he can make pots, he can make tanks, he can make whatever Mr Schindler asks.
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Chaim Nowak: Not essential? I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word. I teach history and literature, since when it's not essential?
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Itzhak Stern: I'm sorry, Herr Direktor, you're running very late. Here, this is for the Obersturmbahnführer and this is for his niece, it's her birthday, Greta. Greta as in Garbo.
Oskar Schindler: By the way, don't *ever* do that to me again. Didn't you notice that man only had one arm?
Itzhak Stern: Did he.
Oskar Schindler: What's his use?
[gets into his car]
Itzhak Stern: Very useful.
Oskar Schindler: [shouts from car window] How?
Itzhak Stern: [shouts back] Very useful! Success!
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Reiter: [about to be shot] It will take more than that.
S.S. Guard: I'm sure you're right.
[shoots her]
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[last lines]
Amon Goeth: [about to be hanged] Heil Hitler.
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