Thursday, February 28, 2013

John Connor: You know what you're doing?
The Terminator: I have detailed files on human anatomy.
Sarah Connor: I'll bet. Makes you a more efficient killer, right?
The Terminator: Correct.
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Miles Dyson: Just let the boy go.
Sarah Connor: Shut up! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! It's all your fault! Motherfucker, it's all your fault!
Miles Dyson: What?
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Tim: Your foster parents are kinda dicks, huh?
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Sarah Connor: You're the one livin' in a fuckin' dream, Silberman! 'Cause I know when it happens! It happens!
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The Terminator: I'll take care of the police.
John Connor: Hey, wait! You swore!
The Terminator: [smiles] Trust me.
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The Terminator: The more contact I have with humans, the more I learn.
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