Thursday, February 28, 2013

[last lines]
Second orderly: Your deal. Get his name and number?
Medic Orderly: Yeah. Corporal Stanislaus Katczinsky, 306.
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[first title card]
Title card: This story is neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war...
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[first lines]
Man cleaning doorknob: Thirty thousand.
Maid: From the Russians?
Man cleaning doorknob: No, from the French. From the Russians we capture more than that every day.
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Tjaden: Me and the Kaiser, we are both fighting. The only difference is the Kaiser isn't here!
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Paul Bäumer: And our bodies are earth. And our thoughts are clay. And we sleep and eat with death.
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Paul Bäumer: War isn't the way it looks back here.
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Schoolmaster: [to his students] You are the life of the Fatherland! You are the iron men of Germany!
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Katczinsky: [entering and seeing the new recruits] What is this?
Tjaden: [sarcastically] Volunteers for the future general's staff.
Katczinsky: [to the recruits] Oh, sometime I'm gonna take one of you volunteers apart and find out what makes you leave school and join the army. At ease. This is no parade ground.
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