Friday, March 08, 2013

Sam: There are dead things! Dead faces in the water.
Gollum: All dead... all rotten. Elves and men and orcses. A great battle, long ago. The Dead Marshes... yes, that is their name.
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Gollum: So bright... so beautiful... ah, Precious.
Frodo: What did you say?
Gollum: Master should be resting, Master needs to keep up his strength.
Frodo: [standing up] Who are you?
Gollum: Mustn't ask us, not it's business. Gollum, gollum.
Frodo: Gandalf told me you were one of the River-folk.
Gollum: Cold be heart and hand and bone. Cold be travelers far from home.
Frodo: [next to Gollum] He said your life was a sad story.
Gollum: They do not see what lies ahead, when Sun has faded and Moon is dead.
Frodo: [in front of Gollum] You were not so very different from a Hobbit once, were you?
[Gollum looks up at him]
Frodo: Smeagol.
Gollum: What did you call me?
Frodo: That was your name once, wasn't it?
Gollum: My name? My name... Smeagol.
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Gollum: He wants the precious. Always he is looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him... But we mustn't let him have it.
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Gandalf: All our hopes now lie with two little hobbits, somewhere in the wilderness.
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Sam: Hey, Stinker! Don't go getting too far ahead.
Frodo: Why do you do that?
Sam: What?
Frodo: Call him names, run him down all the time.
Sam: Because... because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo. There's naught left in him but lies and deceit. It's the ring he wants; it's all he cares about.
Frodo: You have no idea what it did to him... what it's still doing to him. I want to help him, Sam.
Sam: Why?
Frodo: Because I have to believe he can come back.
Sam: You can't save him, Mr. Frodo.
Frodo: [snaps] What do you know about it? Nothing!... I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know why I said that.
Sam: I do. It's the ring. You can't take your eyes off it; I've seen you. You're not eating. You barely sleep. It's taken ahold of you, Mr. Frodo. You have to fight it.
Frodo: I know what I have to do, Sam. The ring was entrusted to *me*. It's my task, mine, my own!
[storms off]
Sam: Can't you hear yourself? Don't you know who you sound like?
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