Sunday, March 17, 2013

[Dr. Cawley has asked the marshals about their preferred drinks]
Teddy Daniels: Soda and ice, please, thanks.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Oh. You don't indulge in alcohol? I'm surprised. Isn't it common for men in your profession to imbibe?
Teddy Daniels: Common enough. And... in yours?
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Er... I'm sorry?
Teddy Daniels: Your profession, Doctor, psychiatry.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Yes?
Teddy Daniels: I always heard it was overrun with boozers and drunks.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Not that I noticed.
Teddy Daniels: What's that, ice tea in your glass there?
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: [laughs, despite himself] Excellent, Marshal. You have outstanding defense mechanisms. You must be quite adept at interrogations.
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Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: You both served overseas, huh?
Chuck Aule: It's not much of a stretch, Doc. For all you know, we're both paper pushers over there.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: No, you are not. - Since the schoolyard, neither of you has ever walked away from a physical conflict. No, no, not because you enjoyed it, but because retreat isn't something you consider an option.
Chuck Aule: We weren't raised to run, Doc.
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Ah, yes. Raised. And who raised you, Marshal?
Teddy Daniels: Me? Wolves.
[Dr. Naehring and Dr. Cawley laugh again]
Dr. Jeremiah Naehring: Very impressive defense mechanisms.
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Rachel 2: You're smarter than you look, Marshal. That's probably not a good thing.
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Chuck Aule: Nice music, who is that, Brahms?
Teddy Daniels: No. It's Mahler.
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Dr. John Cawley: [re: Rachel] We don't know how she got out of her room. It was locked from the outside. And the only window's barred. It's as if she evaporated, straight through the walls.
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Dr. John Cawley: [examines Rachel's note] Ah, this is definitely Rachel's handwriting. I have no idea... what the "Law of Four" is, though.
Teddy Daniels: It's not a psychiatric term?
Dr. John Cawley: No, I'm afraid not.
Chuck Aule: [reads the note] "Who is 67?" Fucked if I know.
Dr. John Cawley: I have to say that's quite close to my clinical conclusion.
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