Monday, October 16, 2006

"" Bee. Agressive...

Birdie Conrad: You're daring to march into the unknown armed with

Birdie Conrad: Nothing. Have a sandwich.
~ You've Got Mail


Emerald. said...

"" Kernactiviteiten
Asset Management
- SRI Index
Corporate Finance
- Beursgenoteerde notes

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Over Kempen & Co

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Corporate Finance
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Emerald. said...


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Relevante subpagina's: Juridisch | Overheid
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OM Juridisch Jargon
OPTA Woordenboek Rechtspraak
Relevante subpagina's: Juridisch | Taal & Naslag
Besluiten Raad van State Rechtspraak

Emerald. said...


Corporate Finance



Fusies & overnames


Meer informatie?



Kempen & Co Corporate Finance is een 100% dochteronderneming van Kempen & Co en levert uitgebreide, hoogwaardige dienstverlening op het gebied van merchant banking aan zowel Nederlandse ondernemingen als buitenlandse ondernemingen die zich richten op de Nederlandse markt. Onze dienstverlening richt zich op fusies & overnames en kapitaalmarkten.

In Nederland hebben wij van oudsher een sterke positie als adviseur van beursgenoteerde ondernemingen. Daarnaast behoren tot onze cliënten grotere niet-beursgenoteerde ondernemingen, institutionele beleggers, verschaffers van private equity en van durfkapitaal, en (semi-)overheidsinstellingen. Tevens hebben wij gespecialiseerde teams die zich richten op Property (vastgoedfondsen en –ontwikkelaars, bouw), Utilities (bijv. energie en waterbedrijven) en Biotech.



Fusies & overnames

Onze dienstverlening op het gebied van fusies & overnames betreft transacties, waarderingen, en vreemd vermogenbemiddeling. Waarderingen en/of vreemd vermogenbemiddeling vormen belangrijke elementen bij advisering omtrent fusies en overnames. Wij bieden deze activiteiten ook als zelfstandige dienstverlening aan.

Kempen & Co Corporate Finance is een toonaangevende adviseur bij fusie- en overnametransacties met een Nederlandse component. Wij bieden dan ook een uitgebreid pakket aan transactiegerelateerde diensten aan, waaronder integraal procesmanagement, strategische en financiële analyses, structurering van transacties en het voeren van en adviseren bij onderhandelingen. Kenmerkende transacties waarbij Kempen & Co optreedt als adviseur zijn:

- Openbare biedingen
- (Ver-)koop processen, waaronder veilingprocessen
- Onderhandse transacties
- MBO’s en MBI’s

De waardering van een onderneming is een essentieel onderdeel van fusie- en overnametransacties. Ons team heeft diepgaande kennis van alle waarderingsmethodes en -technieken. Onze cliënten profiteren van deze expertise door onze specifieke diensten op dit gebied, zoals uitgebreid waarderingsonderzoek voor cliënten die hun vermogensstructuur willen herstructureren, het leveren van ‘fairness opinions’ en het onderhouden van interne aandelenmarkten voor niet-beursgenoteerde ondernemingen. Kempen & Co heeft een speciaal team dat zich bezighoudt met waarderingsvraagstukken en dat borg staat voor de allerhoogste kwaliteitsnormen.

Vreemd vermogenbemiddeling
Kempen & Co Corporate Finance geeft ondernemingen advies terzake van de financiering door middel van vreemd vermogen. Kempen & Co zelf verschaft geen vreemd vermogen waardoor zij in een uitstekende positie is om cliënten van onafhankelijk advies te voorzien. Kempen & Co adviseert cliënten over hun financieringsbehoeften, de optimale structurering van leningfaciliteiten, de selectie van kredietverschaffers en de onderhandeling van leningsvoorwaarden. Vraagstukken op dit terrein waarop wij cliënten regelmatig adviseren zijn:

- Herfinanciering van vreemd vermogen
- Herstructurering van de balans
- Aantrekken van overnamefinanciering

Voorbeelden van M&A Transacties




In de kapitaalmarkten verzorgen wij kapitaalmarkttransacties en treden op als liquidity provider voor een groot aantal ondernemingen genoteerd op Euronext.

Kempen & Co is een vertrouwde partij in kapitaalmarkttransacties op de aandelenmarkt voor Euronext fondsen. Kempen & Co speelt in veel syndicaten een leidende rol dankzij haar sterke plaatsingskracht bij internationale institutionele beleggers. Kapitaalmarkttransacties welke Kempen & Co uitvoert, zijn:

- Plaatsingen van nieuwe (gewone) aandelen
- Plaatsingen van preferente aandelen en claimemissies
- Herplaatsingen en block trades
- Onderhandse plaatsingen
- Beursintroducties
- Inkoop eigen aandelen

Liquidity Provider
Sinds de introductie van het nieuwe handelssysteem (“NSC”) op Euronext in oktober 2001, werken Kempen & Co’s afdelingen Corporate Finance en Equity Sales & Trading samen als liquidity provider voor meer dan 25 small- en midcapondernemingen en voor alle vastgoedfondsen genoteerd op Euronext Amsterdam. Als liquidity provider onderhoudt Kempen & Co de liquiditeit in de markt door het garanderen van een minimaal aanbodvolume en bid-ask spread op continue basis. De afdeling Equity Sales & Trading is verantwoordelijk voor het uitvoeren van de operationele handelsactiviteiten met betrekking tot onze positie als liquidity provider, terwijl Corporate Finance verantwoordelijk is voor de rapportage aan en het contact met ondernemingen.

Voorbeelden van Kapitaalmarkttransacties

Emerald. said...

(( Selectieprocedure Tijdens de selectieprocedure maak je in 3 to 4 gesprekken kennis met een clusterdirecteur, adviseurs van de afdeling en collega’s.

Emerald. said...

(( Cultural attitudes to change itself may fall into one of at least two categories:

Change is random, lacking determinism or teleology.
Change is cyclical, and one expects circumstances to recur. This concept, often seen as related to Eastern world views such as Hinduism or Buddhism, nevertheless had great popularity in Europe in the Middle ages, and often appears in depictions of the wheel of fortune.
Change may require organisms and organizations to adapt (see also evolution).

Changes in society may take place either slowly through gradual modifications in mindsets and beliefs or suddenly through revolutions. Societies continuously acquire predictive knowledge to avoid the impact of catastrophic changes. Research is one of the tools for anticiapting impending changes and adapting to the new inevitable conditions. Changes in constitutions and laws could be done to bring about changes gradually. Societies, which do not follow this path have changes thrust upon them by forces beyond their control. These would be fait accompli changes

Societies which do not anticpate

Emerald. said...

(( Having lived side-by-side with agricultural peoples for millennia, Europe's animals and plants have been profoundly affected by the presence and activities of man. With the exception of Scandinavia and northern Russia, few areas of untouched wilderness are today to be found in Europe, except for different natural parks.

The main natural vegetation cover in Europe is forest. The conditions for growth are very favourable. In the north, the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift warm the continent. Southern Europe could be described as having a warm, but mild climate. There are frequent summer droughts in this region. Mountain ridges also affect the conditions. Some of these (Alps, Pyrenees) are oriented east-west and allow the wind to carry large masses of water from the ocean in the interior. Others are oriented south-north (Scandinavian Mountains, Dinarides, Carpathians, Apennines) and because the rain falls primarily on the side of mountains that is oriented towards sea, forests grow well on this side, while on the other side, the conditions are much less favourable. Few corners of mainland Europe have not been grazed by livestock at some point in time, and the cutting down of the pre-agricultural forest habitat caused disruption to the original plant and animal ecosystems.

Eighty to ninety per cent of Europe was once covered by forest. It stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Arctic Ocean. Though over half of Europe's original forests disappeared through the centuries of deforestation, Europe still has over one quarter of its land area as forest, such as the taiga of Scandinavia and Russia, mixed rainforests of the Caucasus and the Cork oak forests in the western Mediterranean. During recent times, deforestation has been slowed and many trees have been planted. However, in many cases monoculture plantations of conifers have replaced the original mixed natural forest, because these grow quicker. The plantations now cover vast areas of land, but offer poorer habitats for many European forest dwelling species which require a mixture of tree species and diverse forest structure. The amount of natural forest in Western Europe is just 2–3% or less, in European Russia 5–10%. The country with the smallest percentage of forested area (excluding the micronations) is the Republic of Ireland (8%), while the most forested country is Finland (72%).

Białowieża National Park, PolandIn temperate Europe, mixed forest with both broadleaf and coniferous trees dominate. The most important species in central and western Europe are beech and oak. In the north, the taiga is a mixed spruce-pine-birch forest; further north within Russia and extreme northern Scandinavia, the taiga gives way to tundra as the Arctic is approached. In the Mediterranean, many olive trees have been planted, which are very well adapted to its arid climate; Mediterranean Cypress is also widely planted in southern Europe. The semi-arid Mediterranean region hosts much scrub forest. A narrow east-west tongue of Eurasian grassland (the steppe) extends eastwards from Ukraine and southern Russia and ends in Hungary and traverses into taiga to the north.

Glaciation during the most recent ice age and the presence of man affected the distribution of European fauna. As for the animals, in many parts of Europe most large animals and top predator species have been hunted to extinction. The woolly mammoth and aurochs were extinct before the end of the Neolithic period. Today wolves (carnivores) and bears (omnivores) are endangered. Once they were found in most parts of Europe. However, deforestation caused these animals to withdraw further and further. By the Middle Ages the bears' habitats were limited to more or less inaccessible mountains with sufficient forest cover. Today, the brown bear lives primarily in the Balkan peninsula, Scandinavia, and Russia; a small number also persist in other countries across Europe (Austria, Pyrenees etc.), but in these areas brown bear populations are fragmented and marginalised because of the destruction of their habitat. In addition, polar bears may be found on Svalbard, an autonomous Norwegian island region far north of Scandinavia. The wolf, the second largest predator in Europe after the brown bear, can be found primarily in Eastern Europe and in the Balkans, with a handful of packs in Spain and Scandinavia.

Other important European carnivores are Eurasian lynx, European wild cat, foxes (especially the red fox), jackal and different species of martens, hedgehogs, different species of snakes (vipers, grass snake...), different birds (owls, hawks and other birds of prey).

Important European herbivores are snails, amphibian larvae, fish, different birds, and mammals, like rodents, deer and roe deer, boars, and living in the mountains, marmots, steinbocks, chamois among others.

Sea creatures are also an important part of European flora and fauna. The sea flora is mainly phytoplankton. Important animals that live in European seas are zooplankton, molluscs, echinoderms, different crustaceans, squids and octopuses, fish, dolphins, and whales.

Emerald. said...

(( Targeted Advice

Administrative Careers
Hosted by Susan Fenner

Age Issues
Hosted by Linda Wiener

Contract, Temp & Staffing
Hosted by Monster Staff

Diversity at Work
Hosted by Monster Staff

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Hosted by Allan Hoffman

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Emerald. said...

(( Algemeen
Belangstelling voor de organisatie
Curriculum Vitae
Ervaring: algemeen
Ervaring: specifiek voor deze functie
Ervaringen en prestaties
Inleiding sollicitatiegesprek
Kennis van de organisatie
Kennis van het vakgebied
Managementstijl: kennis, ervaring en voorkeuren
Opleiding: algemeen
Opleiding: universiteit & hogeschool
Persoonlijke belangstelling
Prikkelende vragen
Primaire en secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden
Reageren op 'onbehoorlijke' vragen
Vaardigheden en training

Emerald. said...

(( Hoe lang bent u van plan om bij ons te blijven?
Misschien heeft je ondervrager in de afgelopen jaren veel mensen aangenomen die weer snel zijn vertrokken. Probeer de achterliggende angst weg te nemen en maak duidelijk dat je in bent voor de langere termijn.

Ik heb het voornemen een fors aantal jaren te blijven. In iedere geval zolang ik het gevoel heb dat ik bijdraag aan de ondernemingsdoelen en ik binnen het bedrijf ook doorgroeimogelijkheden houd.

Emerald. said...

// (( Praktisch in elke baan moet je wel iets 'verkopen'. Soms producten; soms ideeën. Als je je pen probeert te verkopen, beschrijf dan vooral de voordelen en de emotionele waarde in plaats van het voorwerp zelf. In de reclame doen we tenslotte niet anders.

Zoals u ziet is dit een fantastische pen die eigenlijk iedere succesvolle manager zou moeten hebben. Hij weegt bijna niets, dus is makkelijk in het gebruik. De inkt vloeit langzaam en zacht, hetgeen u in staat stelt een indrukwekkende handtekening te zetten onder zakenbrieven en contracten. En bovendien, deze vulpen wordt ook gebruikt door uw directeur. Zegt u het maar. Hoeveel van deze pennen wilt u vandaag nog geleverd hebben?

Emerald. said...

// AAARGH!!!

Emerald. said...

((n Wat denkt u dat in uw vakgebied de volgende belangrijke doorbraak zal zijn?
Je gesprekspartner vraag zich af of je de ontwikkelingen op je vakgebied bijhoudt.

Alle tekenen wijzen erop database marketing het komend decennium een grote sprong voorwaarts zal maken. Ik ben net het proefschrift van Cor Molenaar aan het lezen, waarin die trend wordt bevestigd. Klantenbinding en -service worden met behulp van dm-technieken belangrijker dan het binnenhalen van nieuwe klanten. Op dit moment zien we al de voortekenen van deze doorbraak: loyaliteitsprogramma's zoals Air Miles en de AH-bonuskaart, maar ook de snelle groei van het aantal call centers. Ik heb begrepen dat uw bedrijf op het gebied van dm en klantenservice behoorlijk voorop loopt. Dat is een van de redenen waarom ik hier graag zou werken.
Wat is uw mening over overheidsbemoeienis op uw vakgebied.
Er is nauwelijks een vakgebied waar de overheid zich niet mee bemoeit. Benadruk daarom hoe goed je bent in het werken binnen de wettelijke kaders.

Ik vind dat de meeste overheidsbemoeienis een functie heeft. Daarom werk ik zo veel mogelijk binnen de bestaande richtlijnen. Zo hanteer ik bijvoorbeeld in mijn huidige werkkring de Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur, de Wet op de Ondernemingsraden en de ARBO-wet als onderdelen van het PR-beleid. Wat denkt u dat vandaag de dag voor uw vakgebied de grootste uitdaging is?
Zorg dat je de meest recente kranten grondig hebt gelezen. Houd een knipselarchiefje bij van artikelen over je vakgebied die je op de hoogte houden van de grote uitdagingen van vandaag en de wijze waarop ondernemingen daarop reageren.

De grootste uitdaging is volgens mij hoe bedrijven omgaan met de snelle technologische vooruitgang. Sommige PR-bureaus beschikken over de nieuwste communicatietechnologie en gebruiken die uiteraard voor hun klanten. Een aardig voorbeeld is het succes van de video newsletters. Aan de andere kant vergeten PR-bureaus wel eens dat niet alle media, zeker de huis-aan-huisbladen en locale kranten niet, volledig geautomatiseerd zijn. Als we willen dat onze boodschap overkomt, zullen we ons moeten aanpassen aan dat wat onze doelgroep wil en nodig heeft. Als ze hun berichten, bij wijze van spreken, per satelliet willen ontvangen, doe dat dan. Maar als ze liever wekelijks een A-viertje krijgen, kies daar dan voor.
Bent u op de hoogte van de geschiedenis van uw vakgebied?

Emerald. said...

(( Congratulations on landing an interview with a company you think would be a great fit. Now it's time to show and tell the interviewer all you have to offer. While you may find tooting your own horn awkward, there are plenty of tactful ways to promote yourself during an interview. Here are a few ideas:

Fill in the Pauses
Remember, interviewers are merely looking for a reason to hire you, so learn to fill those occasional pauses with little plugs about your skills and abilities. Just be sure you relate these skills to the interviewer's previous question or your most recent topic of conversation.

Bring Your "Hall of Fame" with You
Is there an accomplishment you're extremely proud of? If so, stick it in a file and bring it with you. For example, your folder could contain that extremely difficult report you pulled together for your manager at the 11th hour and any accolades you received for your work on the project. Let's say the interviewer asks, "How do you handle tight deadlines?" This is your opportunity to say you rise to the occasion, and pull out your file. Make sure you have a copy you can leave with the interviewer.

Remember and Rehearse
Once you leave the interview, spend 20 minutes or so going over how things went in your mind. Did you stumble over some questions? Write them down and decide how you could have answered them better. Write down those answers and practice them until you get them right.

Identify Missed Opportunities
Despite all the preparation, you still might forget to tell the interviewer something important. But it's never too late to shine a light on yourself. Try including a brief sentence or two in your thank-you note. You could say something as simple as, "My past managers commended me on pitching in with my coworkers to help them out," or "I was the resident computer expert who coworkers always turned to, knowing they could get help."

"Do You Have Any Questions about the Job?"
While you always use this classic question to get detailed information about the job and the company, you can also use it to promote your skills. Try including references to your skills in your questions about the job. You'll leave the impression that you are a growth-oriented person who would be an asset to the company.

Emerald. said...

(( Moving Mortgage Storage
• Find A Mover
• Boxes & Supplies
• Int'l Corp Relocation
• Mortgage Quotes
• Mortgage Protection
• Mortgage Calculators
• Find a Storage Facility
• Storage 101: A Primer
• Moving Boxes

Insurance Real Estate Utilities
• Home Insurance
• Renters Insurance
• Auto Insurance
• City Profiles
• Find an Apartment
• School Reports
• Local Phone Service
• Long Distance
• High Speed Internet

Emerald. said...

(( The Nonprofit FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is based on questions and answers about nonprofit organizations exchanged on the Internet since 1994. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. For more information, see About the Nonprofit FAQ.

Emerald. said...

(( "" The Volunteer Development Centre (Jakarta) provides information about volunteers and volunteerism and serves as a forum for the exchange of information, knowledge, skills and expertise among volunteers, volunteer organizations and other relevant stakeholders. The Centre will also provide support for the capacity building of volunteers and volunteer-based organizations and facilitate participation by the general public through outreach activities. The Volunteer Development Center is hosted by the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration at:
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 51 6 B Fl,
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
(62) 21 527 9466 or 525 3966.

Emerald. said...

(( Know your product well.

Keep learning by attending conferences and studying your trade.

Be an ethical salesperson, and work to keep your customers loyal.

Hone your listening skills.

Keep a log of common customer questions and concerns, and develop solutions for these so you may respond to your customers on cue.

Learn how to manage your time effectively.

Learn from your peers and take advantage of networking opportunities.

Emerald. said...

(( Dangers to Avoid If Your Tech Job Is Also Your Hobby
by Allan Hoffman
Monster Tech Jobs Expert

Techies often make information technology their career, because they love working with computers, whether cobbling together networks or building Web sites. But if your work is also your hobby, when do you have time for anything else? Is this situation simply a win-win for techies and their employers? Or does focusing too much attention on one part of your life pose risks?

"The job is just a way for me to continue my hobby and earn a living at the same time," says Adnan Wasim, who writes a blog about system administration and software development. For Wasim, computers started out as a hobby and then morphed into a full-fledged career as he earned a bachelor's degree in computer science and then started working full-time in the field. "Turning a hobby into a career is a perfect way to spend eight hours a day earning a living," he says.

Career coach Lynn Berger concurs. "I believe it is wonderful to love what you do, and it should be somewhat fun," she says.

On the surface, the convergence of a job and a hobby would appear to serve everyone well. Techies get to focus on what they love to do, while their employers enjoy the fruits of their enthusiasm. Yet techies should still watch out for these danger spots to make sure their hobby doesn't drive their careers in the wrong direction.

Danger Spot 1: Not Focusing on the Job

Berger, for instance, warns techies about focusing on areas that interest them as a hobby when their jobs may require them to focus on something else entirely. "The only downside is if an individual spends a disproportionate amount of time on what they believe to be most interesting while ignoring the more significant and important parts of their job," she says.

No doubt the transition from a hobby to a job requires a change in perspective. Self-styled computer geeks will typically reach a plateau with their hobby, often because they're not required to delve deeper or tackle the sort of problems large organizations face.

"Given any task, there are enjoyable aspects of a task, and some not so enjoyable," Wasim says. "When pursuing a hobby, an individual will probably work on the enjoyable aspects, ignoring the not-so-enjoyable aspects. However, to learn something fully, the not-so-enjoyable aspects are also important. A job can help you force yourself to learn the not-so-enjoyable aspects. This can only be beneficial in the long run."

Danger Spot 2: Not Diversifying Beyond Pure Technology

What's more, even though techies may enter IT because they consider computers a hobby, that dynamic may change as they mature and their careers progress.

"Folks who enter IT because it is their passion are to be commended," says John Baldoni, author of How Great Leaders Get Great Results. "The challenge is to enkindle a passion for management. Sadly, this is often not the case with tech folks, because moving into management requires that they give up what they enjoy doing most."

In other words, a techie may be reluctant to give up the day-to-day work involving coding applications, tuning networks and the like, even if doing so could lead to additional responsibility, a better salary and perhaps a more rewarding career in the long run.

Management, in particular, requires a shift in outlook, along with a dedicated interest in areas like communication, writing and presentation skills.

"Management is not a hobby," Baldoni says. "It is a full-time commitment. It requires a discipline for administration, akin to IT, yes, but focused now on people, not technology."

Danger Spot 3: Burnout

Computer-crazed techies also run the risk of burning out. Wasim cautions techies about spending all their time in front of a screen. "I think burnout is a very serious problem," he says, noting the importance of mixing things up with family, friends, sports or whatever else interests you. "Too much of anything is bad."

Emerald. said...

(( We streven ernaar om binnen twee werkdagen te reageren.

"" Pooositief maar Raak...

Emerald. said...

(( Introduction

Cognitive Science is conceived as a basic science of intelligence in humans, animals, and artificial systems. It includes the study of perception, learning, memory, knowledge, meaning, reasoning, language, attention, affect, consciousness, and the control of action. The field is deeply rooted in Psychology, Biology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Computer Sciences, and other fields. A number of traditional disciplines have contributed important methods and insights to Cognitive Science, making research and the institutional organization of the field highly interdisciplinary.

The study of cognition has developed into an interdisciplinary science by primarily combining approaches from psychology, linguistics, and computer science. The field has strong links to the neurosciences, philosophy and, recently, to the sciences dealing with complex dynamical systems. Due to its strong traditions in the component sciences and a commitment to interdisciplinary research, the University of Amsterdam has much to offer students interested in cognitive science. Cognitive Science is an excellent domain for investigation attracting students into an encounter of empirical approaches with formal disciplines.

Thus, students coming from a psychology and neurobiology background will encounter formal logic, computational semantics, mathematical modeling, and theory of dynamical systems. Conversely, students coming from a philosophy, linguistics or computer science background will encounter experimental design, statistics, and brain function or performance analysis. A major emphasis of the master program in Cognitive Science is based on intensive exposure to interdisciplinary research and the ability to use a variety of methodological skills needed to proficiently operate within an interdisciplinary research context. Familiarity with issues pertaining to mind and brain is considered a condition for informed citizenship. No other field than Cognitive Science integrates this general educational advantage in such a persuasive manner.