Monday, October 09, 2006

( Schriftelijk... )

Jim Carroll: I felt dazed, like I just came out of a 4 hour movie I didn't understand.
~ The Basketball Diaries


Emerald. said...

(( Verstrekken van subsidie-, innovatie- en beleidsadviezen
Expertise op het gebied van subsidieverwerving, innovatie, en beleidsontwikkeling en -evaluatie
Ideeën uitwerken en implementeren met road mapping, businesscaseontwikkeling en clustering
Ondersteuning bij het optimaliseren van uw relatie met de overheid
Hulp aan de overheid bij het opstellen en implementeren van subsidiebeleid
Evaluatiestudies en internationaal benchmark-onderzoek naar het gevoerde subsidiebeleid
Advies over onderzoek, product- en dienstenontwikkeling, nieuwe managementmethoden ))

Emerald. said...

(( "Wie goed doet..." ))

Emerald. said...


1 Freedom as a concept
2 Freedom as a name
3 References to freedom in music
4 References to freedom in television
5 Towns called Freedom
6 Freedom as slang "

Emerald. said...

>>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> >>> >>>

>>> <<<

Semi... Dimensional...

Emerald. said...

(( "(( Zo... Als... )) Water en

Vuur..." ))

<<< >>> >>>

<<< >>> >>>

>>> <<<

Emerald. said...

<<< >>> <<< Methods... >>> >>>

(( Pragmatic... Automatic... ))



Emerald. said...

(( Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), also known as "disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS)", is a clinically recognized condition that is attributed to an individual suffering from either Traumatic Stress or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This clinical description is under consideration for inclusion in the next revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V) as a formal, coded diagnosis. C-PTSD is characterized by difficulties with affect regulation. Affect regulation refers to affect tolerance (the capacity to tolerate painful internal states) and affect modulation (the ability to internally reduce distress without resorting to defensive or avoidant techniques).

The National Center for PTSD has describes C-PTSD as being the result of the individual experiencing a prolonged period (months to years) of total control by another. The other criteria are symptoms that tend to result from chronic victimization. [1]

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder is characterized by a breakdown of previously effective social skills. Symptoms include:

Difficulties regulating emotions, including symptoms such as persistent sadness, suicidal thoughts, explosive anger, or inhibited anger
Variations in consciousness, such as forgetting traumatic events, reliving traumatic events, or having episodes of dissociation (during which one feels detached from one's mental processes or body)
Changes in self-perception, such as a sense of helplessness, shame, guilt, stigma, and a sense of being completely different than other human beings
Varied changes in the perception of the perpetrator, such as attributing total power to the perpetrator or becoming preoccupied with the relationship to the perpetrator, including a preoccupation with revenge
Alterations in relations with others, including isolation, distrust, or a repeated search for a rescuer
Loss of, or changes in, one's system of meanings, which may include a loss of sustaining faith or a sense of hopelessness and despair [2]
A future trauma and/or a symbolic re-enactment of a past trauma that is informed by emotional dysregulation can cause further failure of social or coping skills.

Children who have experience chronic maltreatment by their primary care-givers may develop C-PTSD. Treatment for C-PTSD must be multimodal and address various domains. (Cook, et. al., 2005)

Contents [hide]
1 Assessment
2 Treatment
3 Sources
4 See also
5 References
6 External links

Children exposed to complex trauma (chronic maltreatment, abuse, neglect, witnesses of domestic violence, etc) often evidence impairment in several domains. These include:

Affect or emotional regulation
Behavioral control
(see Cook et. al. 2005 for details)

It is vital, when assessing children who may have complex post traumatic stress disorder to gather a thorough and detailed early history. It is the exposure to chronic early maltreatment that leads to this disorder and which explains the severity of disruption in normal developmental processes experienced by these children as a result of such exposure. Behavioral dysregulation, emotional dysregulation, including disorders of attachment, are a hall-mark of C-PTSD.

Treatment for C-PTSD requires a multi-modal approach (The National Child Traumatic Stress Newtwork, (2003). Treatment should address the seven domains of impairment described above. There are six core components of complex trauma treatment that have been identified in this white paper and by others (Cook, Spinazzola, Ford, Lanktree (2005):

Self-reflective information processing
Traumatic experiences integration
Relational engagement
Positive affect enhancement
Treatment for those experiencing C-PTSD should address each dimension. Often treatment must be multi-modal. Children who have experienced complex trauma caused by chronic maltreatment can be treated effectively with Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy[1] [2]. In addition Cognitive Behavioral Therapy interventions, education, EMDR and other approaches can be effectively used.

Briere, J., and Scott, C., (2006) Principles of Trauma Therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J., Lanktree, C., et. al., (2005) Complex trauma in children and adolescents. Psychiatric Annals, 35, 390-398.
Ford, J. D. (1999). Disorders of extreme stress following war-zone military trauma: Associated features of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or comorbid but distinct syndromes? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 3-12.
Herman, J. (1997). Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of violence from domestic abuse to political terror. New York: Basic Books.
Roth, S., Newman, E., Pelcovitz, D., van der Kolk, B., & Mandel, F. S. (1997). Complex PTSD in victims exposed to sexual and physical abuse: Results from the DSM-IV field trial for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10, 539-555.
Cook, A., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola, J., and van der Kolk, B., (2003) Complex trauma in children and adolescents. White paper from the National Child Traumatic Stress Newtork Complex Trauma Task Force.
See also

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy


emotional dysregulation

^ Becker-Weidman, A., & Shell, D., (Eds.) (2005) Creating Capacity For Attachment, Wood 'N' Barnes, OK. ISBN 1885473729
^ Becker-Weidman, A., (2006). Treatment for Children with Trauma-Attachment Disorders: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Vol. 13 #1, April 2006.
External links
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Recommended DSM criteria
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Anxiety disorders | Mood disorders

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Deutsch ))

Emerald. said...

(( Het Geen-Bodem-Syndroom kan omgeschreven worden als een abnormaal sociaal gedrag en een tekort aan vaardigheden om diepere genegenheid, motivatie en verbintenissen met betrekking tot iets of iemand aan de dag te leggen. Het syndroom heeft geen wetenschappelijke basis , maar beoogt een eigen beeld te geven van verschillende symptomen van andere aandoeningen.

Er is geen echte bodem in het bestaan. Het is net een bodemloze put. Je stopt er oneindig veel liefde, aandacht en zorg in, maar er komt zelden iets terug. Het kind heeft in de allereerste levensfase nooit het fundament in zijn bestaan kunnen leggen van de liefhebbende volwassene aan wie het al dan niet was toevertrouwd.

Het syndroom komt veelal voor bij adoptiekinderen die op (soms) oudere leeftijd werden geadopteerd, waarvan de voorgeschiedenis onvoldoende is gekend. Het komt echter evenzeer voor bij biologisch eigen kinderen, pleegkinderen en stiefkinderen die om een of andere reden het basisvertrouwen met ouder(s) hebben (moeten) gemist (missen)

Het kind vertoont weinig eigen kern, bestaansverbinding: Er is weinig of geen "ik"; daarnaast geen vertrouwen in volwassenen, met als gevolg diepgewortelde angst om (h)echte relaties aan te gaan. Er is een sterke neiging tot het leggen van oppervlakkige, wisselende contacten. Hierdoor is de problematiek voor anderen slecht invoelbaar. Die anderen, inclusief hulpverleners zien niets of weinig.

De intieme emotionele banden binnen het gezin worden als bedreigend ervaren. Oppervlakkige aandacht van talloze onbekenden wordt meer op prijs gesteld, dan de persoonlijk gerichte aandacht van enkele vertrouwde personen. Het verschil tussen vriend en vreemde wordt niet echt gevoeld. Er is tussen de verzorgende ouder(s) en het kind een permanente machtsstrijd gaande die niet waarneembaar is door derden. Emoties kunnen daarbij aan en uitgeschakeld worden, als op bevel.

Het vroegste ervaren van "pijn" of "niet gewenst zijn" is onvoorstelbaar vernietigend. Dit ontbreken van basisvertrouwen in de allereerste levensfase uit zich vaak in vernietigingsdrang die zich richt tegen zichzelf of de naaste verwanten (ouders). Andere uitingen van die agressie kunnen zijn: wreedheid jegens dieren, vernielen, liegen, slapeloosheid, provocerend seksueel gedrag en weglopen. Meestal ziet men een onverzadigbare honger naar aandacht. Negatieve aandacht levert daarbij dikwijls meer resultaat op dan positieve.

Het kind heeft nauwelijks remmen of drempels. Het heeft weinig of geen schuldgevoel. De gewetensontwikkeling is niet/weinig op gang gekomen.

Het kind vertoont overlevingsgedrag en schijnaanpassing. Het is geniaal in het observeren, taxeren en manipuleren van de mensen om zich heen. Er is een sterke tendens de ouders en andere gezinsleden tegen elkaar uit te spelen. Evenzo met kennissen, vrienden, familie, leerkrachten, enz...

Er is nooit echt bevrediging. Het kind voelt zich steeds te kort gedaan.

Het kind heeft relatief weinig gevoel voor ruimte en tijd. Er ontstaan vaak leerproblemen ondanks een meestal normale begaafdheid.

Bij adoptiekinderen kenmerkt de beginfase zich meestal door onbegrijpelijk goed aangepast gedrag, zonder heimwee, zowel thuis als op school. Naarmate de tijd verstrijkt is het gedrag naar de verzorgende ouder(s) steeds afwijzender. Naar anderen toe blijft het begin-gedrag echter gehandhaafd, soms ook tegenover de ouder die niet onmiddellijk de dagelijkse zorg over het kind heeft.

Emerald. said...

"Goede organisaties draaien niet in cirkels, maar ontwikkelen zich spiraalsgewijs omhoog. Dat zijn lerende organisaties. Veel organisaties investeren hierin heel wat tijd en geld. Toch wijst onderzoek uit dat 75 procent van de aangebrachte veranderingen in een organisatie niet (geheel) het gewenste effect hebben. Hoe zorgt u ervoor dat u veranderingen succesvol doorvoert?

Effectief verandermanagement
Een gestructureerde aanpak is vereist om te zorgen voor effectieve veranderingen. U begint met het onderzoeken van uw huidige organisatie en de eventuele ontwikkelingen waardoor uw organisatie zal moeten veranderen. Vervolgens kijkt u naar de gewenste situatie in de toekomst. Wat wilt en kunt u bereiken? Wat zijn uw kansen en bedreigingen? Als u dit in kaart hebt, dan weet u wat u moet gaan veranderen en kunt u een plan van aanpak maken om uw wensen te verwezenlijken.

Intrinsiek of externe factoren
U kunt als organisatie zelf veranderingen willen doorvoeren om een bepaalde situatie te bereiken. Misschien wilt u veranderen van een klassieke functionele naar een procesgerichte organisatie. Het kan ook zijn dat u te maken krijgt met nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Denk hierbij aan een fusie of overname, waarbij de nieuwe organisatie geïntegreerd moet worden in de bestaande. Of aan nieuwe wet- en regelgeving aangaande de interne beheersing of rapportage.

Structureren en monitoren
Het is in iedere situatie belangrijk de veranderingen die u op het oog hebt goed te structureren en op elkaar af te stemmen. Ogenschijnlijk is er misschien weinig samenhang, maar ordening en afstemming zijn altijd noodzakelijk. Want alleen als veranderingen elkaar versterken en niet hinderen hebt u kans op de verwachte resultaten. Tijdens de implementatie van de verandering monitort u het verloop met het oog op de deadline en het budget, zodat u indien noodzakelijk kunt bijsturen. De veranderingen snel en goed integreren en verankeren in een nieuwe, effectievere bedrijfsvoering levert u concurrentievoordeel op.

Effect van veranderingen op medewerkers
Veranderingen betekenen vaak veel voor uw medewerkers. Zij moeten bijvoorbeeld wennen aan een nieuwe cultuur of leiderschap of leren werken met andere waarden en normen of met andere systemen en processen. Het menselijke aspect verdient dan ook de prioriteit in verandermanagement.

Emerald. said...

(( Inrichting... ))



Emerald. said...

(( Kritiek

In de jaren tachtig ontstond (voornamelijk in de VS) bij een aantal hulpverleners behoefte aan een nieuwe beschrijving van een aantal psychische aandoeningen, omdat de medische literatuur (met name het DSM) voornamelijk symptomen, maar geen oorzaken beschreef. In het kader hiervan stelde men dat bepaalde aanpassingsproblemen en gedragsstoornissen gezien moesten worden als uiting van hechtingsproblemen. Het voortouw werd hierbij genomen door het Institute for Attachment & Child Development (oorspronkelijk Youth Behaviour Programme) dat voor diagnose de Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire (RADQ) ontwikkelde. Op basis hiervan ontwikkelde men ook therapieën, waaronder de "hergeboortetherapie" en "vasthoudtherapie".

Na verloop van tijd ontstond kritiek op deze visie en therapieën, waaronder de volgende punten:

De theorie dat veel aandoeningen hechtingsproblematiek als oorzaak hebben, is niet wetenschappelijk onderbouwd.
De RADQ heeft een te grote overlap met aandoeningen die heel andere oorzaken kunnen hebben dan hechtingsproblemen.
Zowel de theorie als de therapieën zijn sterk gericht op gezin en ouders en vaak te weinig op het kind.
De theorie houdt te weinig rekening met individuele hechtingsstijlen en beschouwt ongewenst gedrag te snel als pathologisch.
De diagnose kan te snel worden gesteld (adoptiekinderen bleken bijvoorbeeld weliswaar aanpassingsproblemen te hebben, maar beschikten wel over hechtend vermogen.)
De diagnose wordt in de praktijk vaak gesteld door niet-gespecialiseerde psychologen, welzijnswerkers of onderwijskrachten.
De therapieën zijn niet meer dan straf voor ongewenst gedrag.
Een dieptepunt was het overlijden van de 10-jarige Candace Newmaker die in 2000 stierf na vasthoudtherapie. Haar therapeut werd veroordeeld tot 16 jaar gevangenisstraf. Er is inmiddels een tegenbeweging ontstaan met de naam Kids Come First.

Emerald. said...

>>> Nmatiki... "Reactie..." en nog

zo'n Conversatie die is blijven


(( >>> <<< Kunst en Vliegwerk

richting... >>> <<< >>>

(( "Loyaliteit en welke Midden...

Weg wordt het..."


Emerald. said...

(( "Libelle is... Dromeriger..." ))

Emerald. said...

"Verstrekken van subsidie-, innovatie- en beleidsadviezen

Expertise op het gebied van subsidieverwerving, innovatie, en beleidsontwikkeling en -evaluatie
Ideeën uitwerken en implementeren met road mapping, businesscaseontwikkeling en clustering

Ondersteuning bij het optimaliseren van uw relatie met de overheid

Hulp aan de overheid bij het opstellen en implementeren van subsidiebeleid

Evaluatiestudies en internationaal benchmark-onderzoek naar het gevoerde subsidiebeleid

Advies over onderzoek, product- en dienstenontwikkeling, nieuwe managementmethoden "

Emerald. said...

...Hetzelfde <<< <<< >>> >>>

Emerald. said...

(( Retracts... "Opluchting..." ))


Emerald. said...

<<< <<< >>> Utrecht...

Emerald. said...

"While today's companies are expanding across the globe — especially into emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China — they are doing so primarily to find new customers and to service existing ones. But globalisation and other factors create complexity that must be managed successfully when it adds value or reduced when it does not. Our 9th Annual Global CEO Survey — featuring the perspectives of 1,410 CEOs in 45 countries — takes a close look at globalisation and complexity, two inevitable forces in today's changing economy.

The survey report also features one-on-one interviews with five global business leaders. They bring in-depth, personal perspectives on how they and their organisations are meeting the challenges of globalisation and complexity.

Emerald. said...

>>> "Inspiratie... te over..."

Lieve Nmatiki... "Prima 10



... Glow... Fish...

Emerald. said...

"Support for globalisation is strong — and getting stronger. Over the next year, 58 percent of CEOs say that globalisation will have a somewhat or very positive impact on their organisations. However, when viewed over the next three years, CEO confidence increases to 63 percent.

Going global isn’t easy. CEOs cite overregulation as the chief challenge to globalisation (64 percent), followed closely by trade barriers/protectionism (63 percent), political instability (57 percent) and social issues (56 percent).

Choosing among the emerging-market countries, CEOs are investing the most resources in China (55 percent), followed by India and Brazil (36 and 33 percent, respectively) and then Russia (27 percent).

Globalisation is no longer about cost cutting only. CEOs say they’re moving into the emerging-market countries like the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) primarily to find new customers and to service existing ones.

While CEOs see big opportunities in these emerging markets, going global creates complexity.

More than three-quarters of CEOs surveyed say the level of complexity in their organisation is higher than it was three years ago, and 27 percent say it is much higher. There’s no end in sight, though, as 41 percent of CEOs agree strongly that complexity is an inevitable by-product of doing business today.

What creates the most complexity? Not surprisingly, expansion into new territories and mergers and acquisitions (both 65 percent) and launching new products and services (58 percent) are seen as the sources of the most complexity.

Still, CEOs say the advantages of these value-creating actions outweigh the disadvantages. For example, 88 percent of CEOs say that launching new products and services is a worthwhile initiative.

Nearly 80 percent of CEOs say they have made reducing unnecessary complexity a personal priority. Their primary focus areas: information technology (84 percent), organisational structure (79 percent), and financial reporting and controls and customer sales and service (both 69 percent).

One big problem, the findings suggest, is that there are significant gaps between the individual capabilities that CEOs view as important and their organisational performance in these areas. For example, significant capability gaps exist in the following areas: highly capable people (38 percentage points), effective communications (35 percentage points), and the ability to identify activities that are destroying value (31 percentage points) and creating value (26 percentage points).

Success breeds success; that is, performing well — with certain capabilities for managing complexity — correlates with performing well with others. CEOs who rate themselves as very good on measuring complexity (58 percent) or on having a corporate-wide framework (55 percent) have demonstrably higher ratings for each of the other capabilities than those who do not.

Emerald. said...

<<< Digital...

""why the hell not. all the evidence is on their side"

(( Hard. Copy... ))

Emerald. said...

<< <<

(( Miniature... ))

Emerald. said...

"Raak maar... raak..."

Bringing out what's Best for...

it takes all kinds of...


<<< <<<

Emerald. said...

""It is well known that the space/time continuum is curved.

The curvature occurs as a result of the influence of mass against movement in time. Recently, it has been possible to detect this curvature.

As three-dimensional beings, we perceive time only as a result of memory. We remember what was as a variable interval from what is now.

If we had zero memory, we could not detect time - we would exist only for the moment. The result of this is our apparent perception of time as a linear line, always going forward. This is similar to primitive peoples perceiving the Earth as flat.

It could be infinite - the horizon always kept bringing something new no matter how far they traveled; or, it could be finite, in which case there was the risk of falling off the edge."

Emerald. said...

""In physics, spacetime is a mathematical model that combines three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time into a single construct called the space-time continuum, in which time plays the role of the 4th dimension. According to Euclidean space perception, our universe has three dimensions of space, and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single manifold, physicists have significantly simplified a good deal of physical theory, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the universe at both the supergalactic and subatomic levels.

In classical mechanics, the use of spacetime over Euclidean space is optional, as time is independent of mechanical motion in three dimensions. In relativistic contexts, however, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space as it depends on an object's velocity relative to the speed of light.

How many dimensions are needed to describe the universe is still an open question. Speculative theories (such as string theory) predict from 10 to 26 dimensions, but the existence of more than four dimensions would only appear to make a difference at the subatomic level.

Emerald. said...

Prima... Gereserveerdheid...""

Emerald. said...

<<< <<< AC... RPG...

Emerald. said...

(( dan maarrr... Moeilijk..." ))



Emerald. said...

(( C O N C E P T ... Geleerd ""

Emerald. said...

(( << Vals Licht...

Vertrouwen... ))

Emerald. said...

~ Continental... Continuums...

Emerald. said...

(( Marlboro... Drum... Rhythm... ))

Corner... Shops...

<<< <<< >>> >>> <<<

Emerald. said...

(( Returns... Re ~ runs... ))

Emerald. said...

(( Aanpak...

>>> M... is voor Motivatie... ))

Emerald. said...

(( "" Comforts of... Home... ))

<<< <<< >>> >>>

<<< <<< >>> >>>

Emerald. said...

(( Corporate synergy occurs when corporations interact congruently. A corporate synergy refers to a financial benefit that a corporation expects to realize when it merges with or acquires another corporation. This type of synergy is a nearly ubiquitous feature of a corporate acquisition and is a negotiating point between the buyer and seller that impacts the final price both parties agree to. There are two distinct types of corporate synergies:

Revenue: a revenue synergy refers to the opportunity of a combined corporate entity to generate more revenue than its two predecessor standalone companies would be able to generate. For example, if company A sells product X through its sales force, company B sells product Y, and company A decides to buy company B then the new company could use each sales person to sell products X and Y thereby increasing the revenue that each sales person generates for the company.
Cost: a cost synergy refers to the opportunity of a combined corporate entity to reduce or eliminate expenses associated with running a business. Cost synergies are realized by eliminating positions that are viewed as duplicate within the merged entity. Examples include the head quarters office of one of the predecessor companies, certain executives, the human resources department, or other employees of the predecessor companies. This is related to the economic concept of Economies of Scale. ))

Emerald. said...

(( "Houden van... Hypotheses... <<



Emerald. said...

(( The research on sensory-processing sensitivity builds on Eysenck's views on introversion and arousal and Gray's work on the inhibition system. This research in turn builds on Pavlov's work on sensory response to both physical and mental overstimulation, and work by Jung and his contemporaries differentiating extroverted and introverted cognitive types. This research shows that about 15-20% of humans and higher animals have a nervous system that is more sensitive to subtleties. This means that regular sensory information is processed and analyzed to a greater extent, which contributes to creativity, intuition, sensing implications and attention to detail, but which may also cause quicker overstimulation and overarousal.[1]

This temperament may also have some correlation with continuously high cortisol levels, which may cause hypervigilance and susceptibility to trauma, or the same traumas may encourage hypervigilance, which in turn may contribute to high cortisol. Being highly sensitive may amplify or create psychological issues when overarousal occours. The ability to unconciously or semi-conciously process environmental subtleties often contributes to an HSP seeming 'gifted' or possessing a 'sixth sense'. Sensitiveness is often confused with shyness but 30% of HSPs have extroverted personalities. Another common misconception is that only females can be HSPs - there are roughly the same number of male HSPs as female. The percentage holds true for all animals possessing this trait.[1]))

"" Over... Ontwikkeling... ""

Emerald. said...


Bright... Fluorescent... <<<


Emerald. said...

Highlands... >> Hogeland... <<

(( "Jammer..."

<<< <<< "Het Leven is Daaarrr...""

Emerald. said...

(( Sneeuw... Boarden... )))

Love... Parades...

Emerald. said...

(( Undecidable Perception

<< << ""Achter je Beslissing

blijven staan"" << >> >>

Emerald. said...

<<< <<< A typical experiment in sensory neuroscience involves the presentation of a stimulus to an experimental subject while the subject's brain is being monitored. This monitoring can be accomplished by noninvasive means such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or electroencephalography (EEG), or by more invasive means such as electrophysiology, the use of electrodes to capture the electrical activity of single neurons or groups of neurons.

Single neuron experiments
In most of the central nervous system, neurons communicate exclusively by sending each other action potentials, colloquially known as "spikes". It is therefore thought that all of the information a sensory neuron encodes about the outside world can be inferred by the pattern of its spikes. Current experimental techniques cannot measure individual spikes noninvasively, so electrodes must be used to reveal a neuron's spikes.

A typical single neuron experiment will consist of isolating a neuron (that is, navigating the neuron until the experimentor finds a neuron which spikes in response to the type of stimulus to be presented, and (optionally) determining that all of the spikes observed indeed come from a single neuron), then presenting a stimulus protocol. Because neural responses are inherently variable (that is, their spiking pattern may depend on more than just the stimulus which is presented, although not all of this variability may be true noise, since factors other than the presented stimulus may affect the sensory neuron under study), often the same stimulus protocol is repeated many times to get a feel for the variability a neuron may have. One common analysis technique is to study the neuron's average time-varrying firing rate, called its post stimulus time histogram or PSTH.

Receptive field estimation
One major goal of sensory neuroscience is to try to estimate the neuron's receptive field; that is, to try to determine which stimuli cause the neuron to fire in what ways. One common way to find the receptive field is to use linear regression to find which stimulus characteristics typically caused neurons to become excited or depressed. Since the receptive field of a sensory neuron can vary in time (i.e. latency between the stimulus and the effect it has on the neuron) and in some spatial dimension (literally space for vision and somatosensory cells, but other "spatial" dimensions such as the frequency of a sound for auditory neurons), the term spatio temporal receptive field or STRF is often used to describe these receptive fields.

Natural stimuli
One recent trend in sensory neuroscience has been the adoption of natural stimuli for the characterization of sensory neurons. There is good reason to believe that there has been evolutionary pressure on sensory systems to be able to represent natural stimuli well, so sensory systems may exhibit the most relevant behaviour in response to natural stimuli. The adpotion of natural stimuli in sensory neuroscience has been slowed by the fact that the mathematical descriptions of natural stimuli tend to be more complex than of simplified artificial stimuli such as simple tones or clicks in audition or line patterns in vision. Free software is now available to help neuroscientists interested in estimating receptive fields cope with the difficulty of using natural stimuli.

Sensory neuroscience is also used as a bottom-up approach to studying consciousness. For example, visual sense and representation has been studied by Crick and Koch (1998), and experiments have been suggested in order to test various hypotheses in this research stream.<<< <<<

Emerald. said...

(( Lasting... Impressions... ""

Emerald. said...

(( The efficient coding hypothesis was proposed by Horace Barlow in 1961 as a theoretical model of sensory coding in the brain. Within the brain, neurons often communicate with one another by sending electrical impulses referred to as action potentials or spikes. One goal of sensory neuroscience is to decipher the meaning of these spikes in order to understand how the brain represents and processes information about the outside world. Barlow hypothesized that the spikes in the sensory system formed a neural code for efficiently representing sensory information. By efficient Barlow meant that the code minimized the number of spikes needed to transmit a given signal. This is somewhat analogous to transmitting information across the internet, where different file formats can be used to transmit a given image. Different file formats require different number of bits for representing the same image at given distortion level, and some are better suited for representing certain classes of images than others. According to this model, the brain is thought to use a code which is suited for representing visual and audio information representative of an organism's natural environment.

Efficient coding and information theory
The development of the Barlow's hypothesis was influenced by information theory introduced by Claude Shannon only a decade before. Information theory provides the mathematical framework for analyzing communication systems. It formally defines concepts such as information, channel capacity, and redundancy. Barlow's model treats the sensory pathway as a communications channel where neuronal spiking is an efficient code for representing sensory signals. The spiking code aims to maximize available channel capacity by minimizing the redundancy between representational units.

A key prediction of the efficient coding hypothesis is that sensory processing in the brain should be adapted to natural stimuli. Neurons in the visual (auditory) system should be optimized for coding images (sounds) representative of those found in nature. Researchers have shown that filters optimized for coding natural images lead to filters which resemble the receptive fields of simple-cells in V1. In the auditory domain, optimizing a network for coding natural sounds leads to filters which resemble the impulse response of cochlear filters found in the inner ear.

Emerald. said...

(( Typical... Signals...

Familiar... Verder... ))

Emerald. said...

(( Reistijd... ))