Saturday, October 14, 2006

"" Ivy. Leagues...

Bryce: This isn't a country, it's an ice cube!
~ Tomb Raider


Emerald. said...

(( Verhuisformulier
formulier voor het doorgeven van een verhuizing naar een ander adres / ander telefoonnummer

Emerald. said...

"" Money Matters
The Beaches
Telephone Calls
Staying Healthy
What to pack
Travelling with...
Do Not Forget...

Emerald. said...

(( Bentley Benelux heeft zich sinds haar oprichting gespecialiseerd in Geografische Informatie Systemen (GIS), internettoepassingen en Computer Aided Design (CAD).

Als organisatie hebben wij ons doelgericht ontwikkeld tot één van de grootste leveranciers in Nederland van kennis, kunde, opleidingen en producten op deze specialistische automatiseringsgebieden. Bentley Benelux heeft een grote betrokkenheid bij haar klanten als leidraad en stelt gebruiksvriendelijke en flexibele oplossingen voorop.

De expertise van Bentley Benelux omvat het totale gebied van Computer Aided Design (CAD) en Geografische Informatie Systemen (GIS). Onze organisatie is er volledig op gericht om onze relaties optimaal te kunnen bedienen. Gedreven en vol vakmatige passie adviseren en ondersteunen wij u graag.

Bentley Benelux & Consultancy
Ons advies strekt zich uit over een zeer breed terrein. Zo kunt u Bentley Benelux op ieder moment inschakelen. Dat kan op het moment dat u tegen een probleem aanloopt of bij de invulling van een traject. Maar dat kan ook al in het conceptuele stadium. Bentley Benelux legt de relatie tussen de organisatie, haar bedrijfsprocessen en bestaande of nieuwe ICT-oplossingen. Ongeacht hoe ingewikkeld een Geo-ICT-vraagstuk ook lijkt, onze consultants staan voor u klaar met gedegen, lange termijnoplossingen die in het belang zijn van uw organisatie.

Bentley Benelux & Realisatie
De kracht van Bentley Benelux ligt van oudsher bij softwareontwikkeling als onderdeel van de complete implementatie. Dat betekent dat wij software aanpassen aan de eisen van uw organisatie en de gebruikers. Het gaat daarbij om softwareontwikkeling als aanpassing op bestaande producten of als compleet maatwerktraject. Daarbij maken we zoveel mogelijk gebruik van standaard softwarecomponenten, maar denken we wel altijd in toekomstgerichte oplossingen die zowel op korte als langere termijn effectief zijn. Onze projectleiders zijn de ideale allrounders voor implementaties op GIS-gebied.

Bentley Benelux & Beheer en Ondersteuning
De implementatie van een nieuw systeem is slechts het begin. Het begin voor uw organisatie van een nieuwe, verbeterde procesgang. Dat gaat meestal niet vanzelf. Systemen vereisen onderhoud en continu beheer. De meeste systeemleveranciers en system integrators haken hier af. Bentley Benelux niet. Voor ons begint het hier pas. Met vragen of voor een snel advies kunt u altijd een beroep doen op onze Service Desk. In het verlengde daarvan ondersteunen wij u graag door middel van technisch en functioneel beheer en/of werkplekbegeleiding. U bepaalt zelf hoever u hierin wilt gaan

Emerald. said...

(( Social innovation in terms of territorial (or regional) development is defined in two interrelated ways: first, innovation in the meaning of the social economy, i.e. strategies for satisfaction of human needs; and second, innovation in the sense of transforming and/or sustaining social relations, especially the governance relations at the regional and local level. A combination of both the modes provides a comprehensive approach to innovation in social and economic dynamics within territories. In Europe, from the late 1980s, research on social innovation from a territorial perspective was initiated by Jean-Louis Laville[3] and Frank Moulaert [4] and has been going on since then. In Canada CRISES was initiator of this type of research.

The first large scale research project to work on territorial innovation analysis was SINGOCOM Social Innovation, Governance, and Community Building a European Commission Framework 5 project (2002-2004), that offered wide ranging discussions on Alternative Models for Local Innovation (ALMOLIN).

Emerald. said...

(( Companies have devised various MLM compensation plans over the decades.

Unilevel or Stairstep Breakaway plans are the oldest and most popular. They feature two types of distributors -- managers and non-managers -- and three types of pay:
Baseshop overrides are overrides of managers from their subordinate non-managers, collectively called a baseshop. This is the same as any other sales organisation.
Generational overrides are overrides of managers from the baseshop of managers who were previously their subordinate. Most plans compensate at least three generations of such managers.
Executive bonuses are commissions for managers who exceed a sales quota. For example, 2% of the total company sales revenue may go to a bonus pool that is shared monthly pro rata to managers who exceed $10,000 in that month.
Matrix Plans limit the width of each level in a distributor's group, forcing strong distributors to pile ("spillover") their recruits over people who did not sponsor them.
Binary plans limit the width of each level to two legs. Commissions are based on "cycles," where a distributor is paid a fixed amount whenever both legs achieve a certain number of sales units each. Commissions are paid incrementally when the sales volume in each leg matches.
Elevator or Matrix schemes feature a game board or a list on which each distributor pays in one or more product units to participate. When a certain number of units have been paid in, the structure splits and the earlier participant receives consideration. The Matrix scheme article discusses the legality of this plan. You must do your own research as with any other investment.

Emerald. said...

(( Criticism and Extensions
Porter's framework has repeatedly been challenged by other academics and strategists. Kevin Coyne and Somu Subramaniam have stated that three dubious assumptions underlie the five forces:

That buyers, competitors, and suppliers are unrelated and do not interact and collude
That the source of value is structural advantage (creating barriers to entry)
That uncertainty is low, allowing participants in a market to plan for and respond to competitive behavior.
An important extension to Porter was found in the work of Brandenburger and Nalebuff in the mid-1990s. Using game theory, they added the concept of complementors (also called "the 6th force"), helping to explain the reasoning behind strategic alliances. According to most references, the sixth force is government or the public.

It is also perhaps not feasible to evaluate the attractiveness of an industry independent of the resources a firm brings to that industry. It is thus argued that this theory be coupled with the Resource-Based View (RBV) in order for the firm to develop a much more sound strategy.

Emerald. said...

(( Many companies already outsource their non-core competencies. Manufacturing rep firms flourish by providing an outside sales force.

A sales temp filling in for a salesperson on maternity leave would be of great benefit to many companies. Taking over a territory while a salesperson recovers from an accident would also be beneficial. It is helpful to have worked in sales before taking on a temporary sales assignment. To be of real value to a company, you would have to move sales forward in your temporary territory, or at least keep them from slipping backwards. Temporary sales can be an ideal job for a salesperson who wants to see his family more than chase a six-figure income.

Like interim managers, temporary salespeople need to be mobile and independent, experienced and skilled. In other words, your value as a temp is that you don't require training and development. You step in and do the job.

Emerald. said...

"" << >> >>


... ""

Emerald. said...

<< >> >> (( Once... Bitten... ""

Emerald. said...

(( You will provide technical support over the phone and via e-mail to external, corporate end users calling with IT-infrastructure problems who require assistance in using their systems or applications. You will troubleshoot, diagnose and correct technical faults, using your technical and diplomatic skills, and guide the caller through the necessary steps to restore functionality. It is your responsibility to either solve the calls yourself, or assign and chase those calls that you cannot fix yourself, until functionality has been restored. Of course you are working together with your colleagues to share information, collaborate on problem solving and identify major service issues.

What are we looking for?
In order to apply for this position, you should meet the following requirements:
* (Near) native English language skills, additional language skills are beneficial;
* Experience in a telephone technical support position, giving support to end-users;
* Considerable familiarity with MS Office Suite 2003 particularly and the Windows environment in general;
* Stress resistant, customer service oriented, experience in dealing with a novice and /or low-skilled customer base and able to impart knowledge at various levels;
* Aptitude for quick learning of technical and procedural topics; a self motivating and self-learning work approach
* Ability to work on multiple, dissimilar activities simultaneously; an analytical mind and excellent team player;
* Flexibility to work on a 24x7 basis (in practice this means that from time to time you mightl have to work a week of nightshifts instead of dayshifts, and you might have to work some weekends instead of weekdays)..

Emerald. said...

(( Our list of Clients range from small firms of 10 employees right through to multi-national organisations dealing with the worlds largest cases

We are currently recruiting for all sectors of the Legal industry including

* Family Law
* Criminal Law
* Commercial Law
* Litigation Law
* Civil Law
* Personal Injury Law
* Wills and Probate
* Conveyancing Law
* Company Law
* Legal Aid

Emerald. said...

(( What would make you leave your job? Could you work in sales? What is your personality type? Choose a questionnaire from the menu below for an interesting insight into your personality and career.

Interpersonal style
Emotional Intelligence
Sales or Service?
Personality Type

Emerald. said...

(( Hoogeveen ligt aan de spoorlijn Meppel-Groningen. Op 1 mei 1870 werd het station geopend aan de deze spoorlijn. Anno 2004 wordt het station overdag door de week in beide richtingen twee keer per uur door een trein aangedaan, 1 keer door de stoptrein Zwolle-Groningen, en 1 keer door de intercity Schiphol-Groningen, die vanaf Zwolle als stoptrein rijdt.

Hoogeveen ligt bij het gelijknamige knooppunt van de Autosnelwegen A28 (naar het westen en noorden) en A37 (naar het oosten) en de autoweg N48 (naar het zuiden).

Ook kwamen er verbindingen per stoomtram tot stand. Deze verbindingen waren van de maatschappijen Eerste Drentsche Stoomtramweg Maatschappij en Dedemsvaartsche Stoomtramweg-Maatschappij. Deze laatste opende haar lijn naar Hoogeveen in 1905. Vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog werden het vervoer per stoomtram beëindigd en werd het personenvervoer overgenomen door bussen.

Het stadsvervoer wordt verzorgd door Connexxion. De buitendorpen worden door de volgende (Arriva) buslijnen bediend: connexxion

lijn 30: Hoogeveen-Hollandseveld-Slagharen-Lutten-Hardenberg
lijn 31: Hoogeveen-Zuidwolde-Balkbrug-Dedemsvaart/Ommen
lijn 32: Hoogeveen-Pesse-Ruinen-Meppel
lijn 33: Hoogeveen-Noordscheschut-Hollandscheveld-Elim-Nieuwlande-Coevorden
lijn 638: Hoogeveen-Tiendeveen-Wijster-Dwingeloo-Diever
lijn 232: Hoogeveen-Pesse-Ruinen-Meppel
lijn 234: Hoogeveen-Zuidwolde-Veeningen-De Wijk-Rogat-Meppel

Emerald. said...

(( 12 July 2006. The day on which Campina launches a new dairy standard. The senior executives of the international dairy co-operative Campina met for this event at the Campina dairy farm Verkleij in Hazerswoude (near Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands).

In the shed that normally houses the farm machinery, Campina announced a small revolution in milk. From now on, there is Campina milk and there is other milk.

View and read an impression of this special day, attended by Campina’s CEO Justin Sanders, Kees Wantenaar (Chairman of the Campina Board/Supervisory Board), Gerhard van den Top (Wildlife Protection Director of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Roelf Haan (Chairman of Solidaridad) and Gijs Kuneman (Head of Nature and Agriculture at the Stichting Natuur en Milieu).

Emerald. said...

(( << >> >>

Emerald. said...

(( GDP does not measure the sustainability of growth. A country may achieve a temporarily high GDP by over-exploiting natural resources or by misallocating investment. For example, the large deposits of phosphates gave the people of Nauru one of the highest per capita incomes on earth, but since 1989 their standard of living has declined sharply as the supply has run out. Oil-rich states can sustain high GDPs without industrializing, but this high level will not be sustainable past the point when the oil runs out. Economies experiencing an economic bubble, such as a housing bubble or stock bubble, or a low private-saving rate tend to appear to grow faster due to higher consumption, mortgaging their futures for present growth. Economic growth at the expense of environmental degradation can end up costing dearly to clean up; GDP does not account for this in places such as USA that refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol but being the biggest CO2 producer of the world or as China.

Emerald. said...

((( >>> >>> Similar... ///

Emerald. said...

(( All kinds of Flavours... \\

Emerald. said...

(( Continuum is the primary game client for the computer game SubSpace. Players often use the words SubSpace and Continuum interchangeably.

Continuum is a free SubSpace client developed by PriitK (Priit Kasesalu, who has also worked on the development of Kazaa and Skype) and Mr Ekted (Jim C ). The current official version is 0.39. Continuum was developed as a clone of the SubSpace client, but now contains new original features exclusive to the client over the original. Continuum is the official client of the SubSpace Central Billing Server (SSC).

It was developed primarily because of the failures of SubSpace mainly in security. The SubSpace client had been heavily analyzed allowing cheat programs such as Twister to modify the in-memory player data. Continuum boasts a new encryption scheme along with a number of other security-related features. Although a few attempts to crack the Continuum encryption have been made, none have been very successful.

Edit: Many attempts have now been made to hack the continuum client in the same way twister did, some are successful but the voltunteer staff in every zone have the power to remove these people from the game.