Your Bumper Sticker Should Be |
![]() Squirrel - it's what's for supper |

Aidan Keller: [to Rachel] Don't you understand, Rachel? [his nose starts bleeding]
Aidan Keller: She never sleeps.
~ The Ring

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be |
![]() Squirrel - it's what's for supper |
"2520 Vista Avenue 1
Olympia, Washington 98501
April 19, 2001
Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager 2
Ideas Inc.
587 Lilly Road
Dear Mr. Trimm: 3
Opening paragraph - Use one of the following to bring yourself to the attention of the reader and make clear what job you are applying for:
Summarize the opening
Name the opening
Request an opening
Question the availability of an opening
Middle paragraph(s)- Use one of the following in each of your middle paragraphs to provide the reader with plenty of reasons to invite you to an interview:
Work experience
Ability to work with others and/or alone
Interest in your field
Interest in the company
Responsibilities in previous positions
Closing paragraph - Use the closing paragraph to ensure action on the part of the reader
The last paragraph needs to help ensure that action is taken. You can ask for an interview appointment time, stating that you will be happy to come to the employer's office when convenient. Make it easy for the reader to follow-up by providing your telephone number and email address.
Kenneth Beare 4
List. Less...
...Groningen, Amsterdam, Den Haag,
Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam...
"of Groningen, Amsterdam, Den
Haag, Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam"
of... Groningen, Amsterdam, Den
Haag, Leiden, Utrecht, Rotterdam...
of... Groningen, Amsterdam,
Den Haag, Leiden,
3:37 AM
of... Groningen, Amsterdam,
Leiden, Den Haag,
of... Amsterdam, Groningen,
Leiden, Den Haag,
Distract. Direction...
"Pilates is een serie van grond oefeningen waarbij de bewegingen zeer bewust en beheerst worden uitgevoerd. U wordt bewust gemaakt van uw lichaamshouding, bewegingstechniek en ademhaling. "
Leer. Cirkels. Up. Tights...
Stock. Markets...
Air. Vents...
"...Nolen Advocaten is flexibel en onafhankelijk. Het kantoor is dan ook niet exclusief verbonden aan andere dienstverleners zoals notarissen of accountants. De advocaten van Nolen behartigen de belangen van hun cliënten altijd vrij, slagvaardig en onbevangen..."
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