Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Music Video Codes

What does it matter to ya
When you got a job to do
You gotta do it well



Emerald. said...

In. Geving...

Emerald. said...

Onderstaande opleidingen kunnen (ook) in deeltijd worden gevolgd. Klik op de opleidingsnaam voor meer informatie over de betreffende opleiding. Veel opleidingen bieden wel de mogelijkheid tot deeltijdinschrijving, maar bieden geen colleges aan in de avonduren of in het weekend. Kijk voor meer informatie bij de opleiding van je keuze onder 'Toelating en aanmelding' en vervolgens 'Studeren in deeltijd'."

Emerald. said...

>>> UvA / VU...

Emerald. said...

"In deeltijd

Je kunt de opleiding ook in deeltijd volgen. De bacheloropleiding omvat dan zes studiejaren. De studiebelasting (colleges en zelfstudie) bedraagt twintig uur per week. Verplichte hoor- en werkcolleges worden op gemiddeld twee avonden per week tussen 19.00 en 22.00 uur gegeven. De voorsorteer- en keuzevakken en veel tentamens vinden overdag plaats.


Emerald. said...

>>> <<<

Emerald. said...

<<< >>>


Can infatuation be measured? What happens in your nervous system when you get nervous? What is going on in the brain of a person with dyslexia, autism, ADHD or an addiction? And can behaviour be altered by medication?

Cognitive processes such as thought or perception and speaking, feeling and learning have all been studied for centuries from various perspectives. Spectacular advances in neurobiology have made it possible to examine the biological factors underlying psychology and consequently cognition as well.

If you are inquisitive by nature, interested in biology and psychology and would like to combine the two, the bachelor’s programme in Psychobiology is a good choice.
The study programme in Psychobiology is given by lecturers in Biology, Psychology and Medicine. The cooperation between these three departments guarantees a vast range of courses.

A large part of the first year for the bachelor’s programme in Psychobiology consists of courses taken with students majoring in Biology or Biomedical Sciences. In the course of the first year, you can decide which of the three biology bachelor’s study programme you want to do, Psychobiology, Biology or Biomedical Sciences.

In the first year there are courses in human genetics, anatomy, ethics, psychophysiology and neuropsychology. Part of the time is devoted to practical lab work such as conducting experiments.

Emerald. said...

<<< Madrid <<<

Emerald. said...


Emerald. said...

"...soort van Ouders..."

<<< Familie



Emerald. said...

~ Midden. "Weg..."

Emerald. said...

~ Week. End >>>



Emerald. said...

~ Lapje Van. Alles...

Emerald. said...


Emerald. said...

Lapjes "Het. Zelfde..."

Emerald. said...

<<< Van. Hetzelfde... Weder.

Zijds... "Uitstekend..."

>>> <<<

Emerald. said...




Emerald. said...

>>> Re. Run...

Emerald. said...

<<< <<< <<<

Emerald. said...

...Book. Stores...

Emerald. said...

<<< ...AAAaaarrrggghhh... >>>

( Werkelijk te Lui or whatever

Concept voor Ontwijkend Gedrag...


Vooruit dan Maar... )


Emerald. said...

<<< Dynamo...