I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack
~ Nirvana / Lithium
I enjoyed reading your site. Keep it up!
thanks, for dropping by
i'm trying to make it more consistent
internet is a bit slow these days
but then that suits my way of thinking, as I tend to forget things, especially when things matter to me
i'll have a faster connection at home in March maybe
sometimes people tell me i still live in the stone age for not having internet at home yet
they're probably right
but then my flatmates are like that as well ( excuses - excuses )
i'm signing out for now
i'll have a proper look at your site next time i'm on-line
ehm, you're site seems interesting
although it might not be my place to say anything
it has a bit of a depressing feel to it
it's not just the colour Blue
i think you worry too much
i know what it's like
cause i can be like that
a lot
and for all the advice given from these other bloggers
there's truth but no logic
(that was just a line i remembered from seeing a movie :):)
strategic thinking comes to mind
and not being afraid to fall
did you have a bad start in life?
i'm just coming to terms with the fact, that I had one
i've fallen quite hard already
and most of the times i'm too tired too pick my self up
so i usually take the easiest way out
some call it laziness, or surviving
or efficiency
i'm now entertaining the idea to call it a minimalistic life-style
anyway, these thoughts are making me forget that i should eat something
i'm off
take care
Hi there!
I know my blog seems kind of depressing, but I will try to lighten it up a bit. Cause most of the time I'm really okay, though I apparently write when I'm a little sad.
If I had a bad start in life?
Hmm...Both yes and no.
some people would call it a challenging start, destiny, whatever
i would like to agree with that
i'll get there at some point
Ah, I see.
Have you tried writing when you see things in a different perspective?
I'm discovering what it's like to speak to my friends when i'm sad about something.
Gotta go.
See ya later.
I almost never tell my friends when I’m feeling down. Don’t want to bother them and I don’t feel comfortable telling them anything either. You might think that’s silly, but that’s just the way it is with me;)
Silly is just how you perceive things, is what I think.
I think your friends would like you to open up to them, as they care about you.
But if you don't feel comfortable.
You should give it a try sometime.
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