Monday, March 28, 2011

John Connor: Easy money. Share this quote SWAT Team Leader: You, in the window! Drop your weapon and put your hands on your head! Police Helicopter

SWAT Team Leader: You, in the window! Drop your weapon and put your hands on your head!
Police Helicopter Pilot: [Terminator starts firing minigun] Shit! That's a damn minigun!

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Miles Dyson: Hi. Um, Carl. These are friends from out of town, I'm just gonna take them upstairs and show them around.
Gibbons: Now, c'mon Mr. Dyson, you know the rules if you want to bring visitors into the lab. I need written authorization...
The Terminator: [the Terminator and Sarah draw their guns] I insist.
Sarah Connor: [Gibbons is trying to push the alarm button] Don't even think about it.

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