Friday, February 18, 2011

Dieter Prohl: I... have a new theory of our life of tennis. Peter Colt: Tell me. Dieter Prohl: Well, it's simple, really. You... hit the ball back o

Dieter Prohl: I... have a new theory of our life of tennis.
Peter Colt: Tell me.
Dieter Prohl: Well, it's simple, really. You... hit the ball back over the net, as hard, and as deep... and as often as possible.
Danny Oldham: Sorry to disturb you, Peter. The Members have invite you to use the number one dressing room.
Peter Colt: Oh, no, thank you, Danny. I think I'd rather stay here.
Danny Oldham: Right. That's what I told 'em you'd say.
Dieter Prohl: Good luck, my friend.
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