Saturday, June 17, 2006

* * * Vergankelijk

Coco. Nuts

"These two Fiddle Birds are members of the Bird Band, towering forty feet over the trumpet and tuba bird sections.

The body of these rare birds are made from tanks once used in polio and burn therapy."

~ Dr. Evermor


Emerald. said...

~ Right, Home

* * * Tar. Pits

Emerald. said...

* and what kind of Environments to

- look Forward too * to keep me

- going back to what Cities

* * *

Emerald. said...

- and what fresh Advice keeps

* Ringing Bells

Emerald. said...

* and how I'm looking Forward to

- what new Distance

Emerald. said...

* Office. Breaks

Emerald. said...

- and how to keep in Touch, like

* Lap. Tops

* * * Content

Emerald. said...

* So, Friends and what kind of

Help. Offered.

- and I see at what Value, and

- changing the Locks, of what

* kind of Combination

Emerald. said...

* and how I miss my Family and for

- what Reasons

Emerald. said...

* Yes, London and what Fond

Memories. And how she decided about


Emerald. said...

* Awe - Inspiring to Move on to

- whatever Capital

Emerald. said...

- and I see how he made a Wise

* Decision, and what Reactions

- Confusing and how I wish to

* Break Away

* Lots more

Emerald. said...

* and I see about Attraction and

- what I love about what People

Emerald. said...

* * * and I remember what Reasoning

- and Excitement to have what

- shared Goals * and how I've lost

* that Feeling

* Pure Associates

Emerald. said...

* and the Difference in Forgiving

- or Understanding what sort of

- People

* Energy Levels

Emerald. said...

* and how to Find New Levels of

- Adventure

Emerald. said...

* in what Sweet Time and Again

Emerald. said...

* and how I choose what Day over

- Time and who With

Emerald. said...

* and I see what Combination works

- and how I'll always be Looking

- for that Perfect Feeling

Emerald. said...

* or not so Perfect, but at Least

* Heart * Felt *

Emerald. said...

"Aloha Amigos!

Its been a long time since I rapped at y'all, I know. I beg forgiveness. However nothing much new has happened so...

I've been spending my time securing my flight plans. I leave Sat. morn for those misty peaks of Bo-Zone Montana. I'll be kickin' it with me bro' and me sisinlaw, who is heavey with child, for about two weeks before they kick me out. Don't wanna stress out mama bear during baby time, oh no.

I'll probibly truck out to Whitefish MT to visit my friend Dana from college. From there I either head north for Canukland or back down to Bozeman to fulfill uncular duties.

Lately I've been rollin' around Madtown trying to soak up some hometown culture before taking what may become a very long trip. Check out some of my photos of the rad happenin's Madison has to offer. The first one is an aerosol painting (some would call it grafitti) on the side of Mother Fools coffee house on Willy street. They offer up the wall to grafitti artists every month, so the image changes around. If its legit/legal is it still grafitti? Who knows.

The two birds are welded from scrap metal and stand roughly 30ft. high. Rather impressive but if like his stuff you should check out Dr. Evermores sculpture garden off Hwy12 on the way to Baraboo. The Forevertron holds the record for biggest scrap metal sculpture.
I found this turtle on my walk through the woods today. He was stuck in the mud so I helped him out.

These ducks looked real cozy so I took their picture. They're the trusting sort, didn't seem to mind me approaching closely.

Allright. That's all for now. When next I rap atcha I'll be in Big Sky country. Peace!"

Emerald. said...

* * * How I need my Male Friends

to deal with all this Cattiness

Emerald. said...

* * * "Aaargh"!!!

Emerald. said...

"Soft Sectors"