Wednesday, June 21, 2006

~ Aangeboden. Frames

New. Castles


Emerald. said...

* Work. Week and what New Ways to

see All that's Real ~

Emerald. said...

* and How to Close off a Location

- and how to Divide what Time to

- grow on

Emerald. said...

- and how just being There is the

- best Advice to feel what's Right

- and I see about feeling Estranged

- and how it Comes and Goes * * *

Emerald. said...

* or what Solutions to Try * to

- Feel Content and all that's

- Natural - and I see about Price -

* Tags

Emerald. said...

* and what Examples of the People

- to get in Touch with - and how

- Eye Contact is all that it is

- or what Tone of Voice or whatever

- Behaviour to get Used to

Emerald. said...

* and what I like about whatever

- City, as it's a Challenge to see

- things on Changing Levels

Emerald. said...

* besides the People that I care

- about, and how to Receive or Give

- Side Ways for whatever Reason or

- Understanding to follow your

- Heart - and how to Stick to

- Principles - no matter how

- Distant

Emerald. said...

- and it's Nice to look back on

* all that Felt Good

Emerald. said...

* and how Shadows move Over * in

- the End

Emerald. said...

- and give Space to whatever Flow

- to Run with

Emerald. said...

- and how She told me about

Barriers or in whatever Language

- Turtles indeed

Emerald. said...
