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Welcome to PhantasyRPG! This game is a free Web Based MMORPG. This game currently has lots of features, and we are adding more all the time. Join our community today, and begin your Phantasy! Want a reason to give us a try? Well how about all of the options we have. Battling, Quests, Pets, Games, etc. We make this MMORPG for the gamers. Total Rating: 3.3333333333333 Reviews: 12
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Post Date: 22:53 18-05-2008Rating: 0Author: Little_JohnnyComment: I've played this game for years and I really don't recommend it. I keep coming back hoping for change but nothing. It's like an abusive relationship. I come back because I put so much work into it. But I leave with my heart broken. And I keep coming back for more! The graphics are very low grade. The game has a serious lag monster. And the purpose is scarce at best. Its just slash and bash who can get the highest levels. And if the game wasn't boring enough you should meet the people. There not boring they are just children. The make big deals out of little things and act foolish in the chat rooms. The horror of a serious conversation. When ever you do the Moderators start hollering warning warning, Because they believe your fighting... If you looking to have an intelligent conversation the public chats are not the place. Ok you could share your ideas and invest your mind in the development of the game that sounds like fun..... WRONG! It is far from fun unless you enjoy politics and bickering. People below me have said oh they've got new staff its all going to be better... Wrong again. They're the same. Power corrupts. I put my faith in Dusk, he always has the answer. But he's not around. Noone has seen him for 6 months. I just feel as if this game is doomed to failure iless some serious changes are made. They sure lost my vote.
Post Date: 17:41 14-10-2007Rating: 8Author: Eldorin_RedbarkComment: PhantasyRPG is a pretty good game despite what some before me have said. First of all, the game is pretty basic, the combat system is not very advanced, and the world is not very large. The choice of items is somewhat limited at this time, as well as many features are not finished and released yet. What is to come is a magic system that looks pretty good (The head writer posted it for critique among the players). Currently he�s been fixing any mistakes that we point out and is making it better each day. We�ve heard brief snippets of the Hounzalid potion system, but from the little information that�s been heard, well it sounds very amazing. Not only that, but there are quite a few features being added on a semi-regular basis. The staff members, many have complained about them; I�ve been playing the game for close to 3 years and can see that many of what is said is biased. Out of the below reviews 4 of the posters were frozen for breaking the terms of service, and one of them is from a rival game site. Basically, what you see in their reviews is biased. The current staff set-up a much better change from the previous staff members, first, the head coder, Darbon, he is a bit quick to judge and has a temper, but unless you cause problems or outright attack the game he is very easygoing. He does a large amount of work on the game, even though it is completely volunteer based. The head graphics artist, Einon, is a recluse. He is not in the public light much, but his work speaks for itself, the graphics department is almost always up to date and produces high quality work. The head writer, Shuck, is always in public. He is by far the most helpful of staff and will always try to solve any problem you come across. His work is very good and he is the one who is currently shaping magic to its current splendor. The administrators as not as well set up. The owner of the game, Dusk, is nearly never on due to outside circumstances. The newest administrator, Hope_Anihilator, he is a very fair staff member. His main priority is coding, but assists as many players as he can with his current busy schedule. The other administrator, Cally, is the worst of them all. Her judgments are sometimes biased and she does favor her friends over who is right. The reason she has become like she is now is because, for a long time, there was no other administrator to check her power. One major reason that some people have a grudge against the game is because of the past head writers. Before Shuck was a man called Arcus, his version of magic completely favored his class and was terrible overall, luckily, somehow, he was overthrown and his place filled. Even before him were two people who shared the title, Jayde and Eaving OLarkin, these two were the cause of the vast majority of problems on the game. Jayde is now frozen for violating the rules numerous times and Eaving stole much of the game�s code to create his own game (Which is a mirror image of PhantasyRPG). A large portion of the unbalances in magic and whatnot came from these two who tailored the entire game to their advantage. Though, luckily, Shuck is the opposite of these past head writers, he doesn�t care for his character at all and spends all of his time helping players and working on the game. Another past problem was the moderators. The main issue was a player named �phandude� who was Arcus�s roommate in real life; Arcus used his power to have Cally hire him. He was basically the most corrupt moderator in the history of the game, playing favorites for his main character and making the game rather bad for a few months (he was later fired). Though, with exception of him the moderators are extremely fair. With people complaining about the slow development of the game, all of the staff members are volunteers. Not one of them gets paid. The only thing that would allow the game�s development to speed up would be to have some programmers hired to help with the burden that lacking coding department is facing. Other then that there is no way to speed up the game�s development. Overall, the game is getting much better. With the current staff members the game is smoothly going along and I would recommend this game to anyone searching for a �break� from the typical MMORPGs, it is more relaxed and the community is wonderful; there are close to no scammers on the entire game because they become virtual outcasts the moment they scam. It is really fun, plus, if you have any questions you can mail any of the online staff members and they will be upon the most polite people you have ever met!
Post Date: 16:03 12-09-2007Rating: 0Author: Ashia_VantassleComment: Ive played phantasy rpg for the last 2 years i was working my way to three. I wasnt very active my frist year so i wasnt able to see how corrupt the staff was untill my second year playing the game. After many bannings from fights in which other people started with me, i soon relised that if you arent freinds with a staff memeber they ban you for fighting with their freinds. They give you bogus reason for why you got banned and they tell you to take your problems up with an admin the only person higher then them who never logs on. Our Game creater never shows up to anything having to do with the game, while his sights are set on other games. he leaves the work up to someone else who never logs on, and when she does its for a few minutes before she runs off again never solving any problems. Hope is the only one who, im my oppion trys to make the game better but is blinded to the wrongs of his staff. Yet another staff member had become worse, and has now started to fight with players, and instead of working on coding magic and developing the game he works on poor layouts and menus. A fourth staff member is another coder who i have nothing against but the time she is online is speand in the tavern with players and not on coding for the game. We have 8 graphic artist in which 4 log on regualry and only 3 work while others only were made staff becuase of freindly ties to the head graphic artist. The staff from before who im not saying were all good , were fried for unjustly reason and were also the only staff members who were working to improve the game. We have 6 mods 3 rarely log on and 3 log on but only act like mods when people start complaining. We have two music artist who havent logged on i ages and prpg still doesnt have music. We have 6 writers, 3 long on and 3 dont. Nothing new had been writen in a long time , cajar doesnt even a have a back ground story , nor do its characters. and when a player trys to help and submit info it is rejected becuase the head writing doesnt think its needed. Some of the staff have quit due to the power struggles and the corruptness of the game. Players at one point were even being abused by staff but were to afraid to speak up. Even when an admin told them they could speak they all refused knowing nothing would change. Leveling is a waste of time becuase after a final promo of 130 levels nothing happens , no abilities have been coded, weapson are rare, new items are even rarey, customs have been taken away,so that no play can make a new one. Magic stil isnt in the game, along with new places for higher levels to play. They spend all their time on the dev forums that they created to get new ideas. They are to worried with small petty things then what really matters. In short if you waste two years like i did only to be unfarly frozen the game isnt really worth it. Nothing will ever be dont unless the game is given new staff memebers minus the few who actually work on things as staff members. PRPG is corrupt and always will be, unless staff changes are made!!!
Post Date: 00:07 12-07-2007Rating: 1Author: Firefox PrinceComment: The staff is all corrupt, they dissuade any kind of hints or actual action to finish something. Most of the magic has been done for two years, but no one will get around to coding it. Plus, it is completely imbalanced, one of the written up spells does 5 damage, plus 5 more for ever point of wisdom you have, and it was written by the person with the highest wisdom in the game, and only works for his class. I find that very odd. The character images are almost all ripped, as are many of the other items. Hardly any of the Moderators or admins care about players, and break most of their own rules. Many volunteer"s are hired, then fired for stupid reasons, such as not working when they weren"t given anything to do, being used as a scape goat for an error in an update, etc. The combat system is pretty basic. Well... the game itself isn"t so bad, but like all program based problems, it"s human error.
Post Date: 23:17 11-07-2007Rating: 3Author: AllsaidanddoneComment: A decent game in what it is and beginning to move again now that certain problem areas have been fixed. I give it a 3 though for a variety of reasons. First of these being the admin Cally. She holds the position as she has for some time and has begun to "decline" in her ability to do the job. Whereas she once hired people that would be good for staff when she was head Moderator, she now hires friends who have not only broken rules, but harass and goad other players. Such things like this are not only done on alts, and go un-warned but are even allowed when the staff member is on their staff account. This leads to a second point which was brought to my attention. It now seems that said admin is keeping good people off staff for personal feuds she has with them. Whereas the other �non-owner� admin would accept these people as would the heads of the different staff sections would, she keeps them off for personal vendetta. The creator of the game is a rare find and when he is around it is apparent he chooses to delete any mail from players and at time even staff, without reading them. It"s in this that disruption comes in many forms. Whereas many have gone to him about said abusive staff, nothing has been done by him, nor has the "faulty" admin been removed. This game could be a wonder that goes far, but until things are fixed and staff is put straight I"ll stick with a simple three. To any prpg players that read this, "My best wishes go out to you." For any staff that read this, "You either know who they are or you know who you are." All said and done for now. PS: In response to something said in a past post, if you don�t see any lag on prpg then you are blind. That comment is not only wrong, but being used to suck up to the game owner, by one of his own staff. It gives no true information about the game and is merely to boosts a false appeal, by one of the games volunteers.
Post Date: 12:43 05-06-2007Rating: 0Author: PrPGDEVLooserComment: With too slow of development and Abusive devolopment Fourms - I give a low rating to this Online RPG game, for now anyways. Maps are not up to date, most who apply for volunteer work do not get accepted, the servers are way to out of date and need replacing, the PrPg mods and volunteers agree usually with the one who starts fights. this GAME needs to be monitored!
Post Date: 22:10 05-03-2007Rating: 2Author: KraxxiaComment: Magic system and promises made well over two years ago were long forgotten and removed, or just finished being put on paper. Only 6 class abilities even known of since four months, and 3 of them implemented. Just one of three administrators are active, or you wait a month or longer for a single response if you ask a question. The game is very neglected and needs major improvements, in terms of non-development. Complaints against staff are almost completely ignored, essentially making staff the worst rule-breakers of the entire game. A lot of images are taken from many games, and although legal, no credit is given unless you find out yourself. Some images are indeed stolen from copyrighted games, as well. Players can"t challenge an update or mindset without being brutally disrespected or mocked. Mypsace profile lies about incredible magic spells when there are none. Ads in the game display half-naked women and promote other games, while the rules state that even speaking about those things is not permitted. In just two months of playing, I made a suggestion and the result was a threat of being banned and sued by former head writer staff. If you play the game alone and avoid tavern chat and ignore game politics and forums, its fine. It can get boring very quickly doing just one thing, so switching between mining, digging, smithing, and battling can keep it interesting enough. Very easy and simple unanimated battle system with just physical attacks is pleasing. None of that sophisticated stuff, just outright brute force until you win. Promoting of classes is really neat, being able to change the image of your character with each promotion as well as other equipment gives it a cool feeling. Eggs (stat items) make the game a bit too easy... but still a cool thing for players who don"t know better on what to put their stats into. Some players and staff are worth getting to know, making it sort of a "close-knit" friend get-together. Randomality factor of gambling, recieving prizes, and player-made contests (watch out for scammers!) make it strangely addictive.
Post Date: 22:11 05-01-2007Rating: 3Author: ClyrateComment: Hmm - last comment is in June and doesn"t just not respond it"s non-existent. Got to give the developer credit, He wrote it then recruited free MODs - Free writing and Free programming while he collects the monthly cash on the ads that are forced and push via the online client. To be fair its reasonably ok for what it is but the developer pockets all the proceeds and puts little to nothing to enhance the game.
Post Date: 14:12 22-05-2006Rating: 6Author: wolfy_godComment: I think it a pretty good game as far as some games go as long as you have never played runescape or a game with good graphics its does get boring pretty quick but overall its ok as long as your not to picky
Post Date: 23:44 04-03-2006Rating: 10Author: DentralaComment: Wow. Gotta love ya Dusk... Best part is how it isn t all text, but doesn t lag like purely-graphics games...
Post Date: 02:02 04-02-2006Rating: 0Author: flashComment: unless ur into games were u hear no music, u move with ur mouse by clicking on this space u want to go(not like runescape)cant talk, and cant move freely
Post Date: 18:24 24-11-2005Rating: 7Author: Dio_bearComment: its an all right game but i still dont hae the hang of it yet
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