Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Super. Sounds. Of the 70's

A run run run run runaway
A run run run run runaway
~ Gary Allan / Runaway

Your Monster Profile

Twisted Nightmare

You Feast On: Power Bars

You Lurk Around In: Sewers

You Especially Like to Torment: British People


Emerald. said...

Super Sjaaal,

Nmatiki in da Blog!!!

Ja, Dorien... Lapje Thuis Gevoel


Ik mocht bij haar Studeren...

Coole Familia!!!

Logeren na het Uitgaan en Zo...

Ik had foto's van Arnoud gefunden,

maar mijn Floppy werkt hier Niet...

En ik heb zowaar zo een Date in

Leiden!!! Die komt ook op mijn

Blog. Voorspelbaar...

Succes VANDAAG!!!


Emerald. said...

Prima Herinneringen hoor--met jou,

Arnoud en Gea in Hoogeveen...

Zonder dat T-Shirt dan... Zo Goed

is mijn Geheugen...

Emerald. said...

<<< <<< >>>



Emerald. said...

Oja, ik zal je Broer nog

Krabbelen over het Lapje Bier...

Emerald. said...

"History of the word
For more information about the story that inspired Horace Walpole to coin the word serendipity, see the entry The Three Princes of Serendip.

Examples of serendipity in science and technology
Gelignite by Alfred Nobel, when he accidentally mixed collodium (gun cotton) with nitroglycerin
Polyethylene by Hans von Pechmann, who prepared it by accident in 1898 while heating diazomethane
Silly Putty by James Wright, on the way to solving another problem: finding a rubber substitute for the United States during World War II.
Chemical synthesis of urea, by Friedrich Woehler. He was attempting to produce ammonium cyanate by mixing potassium cyanate and ammonium chloride and got urea, the first organic chemical to be synthetised
Pittacal, the first synthetic dyestuff, by Carl Ludwig Reichenbach. The dark blue dye appeared on wooden posts painted with creosote to drive away dogs who urinated on them.
Mauve, the first aniline dye, by William Henry Perkin. At age of 18, he was attempting to create artificial quinine. An unexpected residue caught his eye, which turned out to be the first aniline dye—specifically, mauveine, sometimes called aniline purple.
Racemization, by Louis Pasteur. While investigating the properties of sodium ammonium racemate he was able to separate for the first time the two optical isomers of the salt. His luck was twofold: it is the only racemate salt to have this property, and the room temperature in that day was slightly inferior to the point of separation.
Teflon, by Roy J. Plunkett, who was trying to develop a new gas for refrigeration and got a slick substance instead, which was used first for lubrication of machine parts
Cyanoacrilate-based Superglue (a.k.a. Krazy Glue) was accidentally twice discovered by Dr. Harry Coover, first when he was developing a clear plastic for gunsights and later, when he was trying to develop a heat-resistant polymer for jet canopies.
Scotchgard moisture repellant used to protect fabrics and leather, was discoverd accidentally in 1953 by Patsy Sherman. One of the compounds she was investigating as a rubber material that wouldn't deteriorate when in contact with aircraft fuel. Some of the material spilled onto her new tennis shoes, and would not wash out.
Cellophane, the most popular clear plastic wrapper, was developed in 1908 by Swiss chemist Jacques Brandenberger, as a material for covering stain-proof tablecloth.
The chemical elements oxygen, by Joseph Priestley
The chemical element helium
The chemical element Iodine was discovered by Bernard Courtois in 1811, when he was trying to remove residues with strong acid from the bottom of his saltpeter production plant which used seaweed ashes as a prime material.
Polycarbonates, a kind of clear hard plastic
The synthetic polymers celluloid, rayon and nylon
The possibility of synthesizing indigo, a natural dye extracted from a plant with the same name was discovered by a chemist named Sapper who was heating coal tar when he accidentally broke a thermometer, and its mercury content acted as a catalyst to produce phthalic anhydride, which could readily be converted into indigo.
The dye monastral blue was discovered in 1928 in Scotland, when chemist A.G. Dandridge heated a mixture of chemicals at high temperature in a sealed iron container. Inadvertently, iron reacted with these compounds, producing some pigments called phthalocyanines. By substituting copper for iron, he produced an even better pigment called 'monastral blue', which became the basis for many new coloring materials for paints, lacquers and printing inks.
Acesulfame, an artificial sweetener was discovered accidentally in 1967 by Karl Claus at Hoechst AG.
Another sweetener, cyclamate, was discovered by US chemist Michael Sveda, when he smoked a cigarrette accidentally contaminated with a compound he had recently synthesized.
Aspartame (NutraSweet) was also accidentally ingested by G.D. Searle chemist James Schlatter, who was trying to develop a test for an anti-ulcer drug.
Penicillin by Alexander Fleming. He failed to desinfect cultures of bacteria when leaving for his vacations, only to find them contaminated with Penicillium molds, which killed the bacteria.
The psychedelic effects of LSD by Albert Hofmann. A chemist, he accidentally ingested a small amount of it upon investigating its properties, and had the first acid trip in history, while cycling to his home in Switzerland.
5-fluorouracil's therapeutic action on actinic keratosis, was initially investigated for its anti-cancer actions
Minoxidil's action on baldness, originally it was an oral agent for treating hypertension. It was observed that bald patients treated with it grew hair too.
Viagra (sildenafil citrate), an anti-impotence drug. It was initially studied for use in hypertension and angina pectoris. Phase I clinical trials under the direction of Ian Osterloh suggested that the drug had little effect on angina, but that it could induce marked penile erections.
Retin-A anti-wrinkle action. It was a vitamin A derivative first used for treating acne. The accidental result in some older people was a reduction of wrinkles on the face
The libido-enhancing effect of l-dopa, a drug used for treating Parkinson's disease. Older patients in a sanatorium had their long-lost interest in sex suddenly revived.
The first benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxide (Librium®) was discovered accidentally in 1954 by the Austrian scientist Dr Leo Sternbach (1908-2005), who found the substance while cleaning up his lab
The first anti-psychotic drug, chlorpromazine, was discovered by French pharmacologist Henri Laborit. He wanted to add an anti-histaminic to a pharmacological combination to prevent surgical shock and accidentally observed that patients treated with it were remarkably calm before the operation.
the anti-cancer drug cisplatin was discovered by Barnett Rosenberg. He wanted to explore the inhibiting effects of an electric field on the growth of bacteria: it was rather due to an electrolysis product of the platinum electrode he was using.
Quinine, a derivative of the cinchone tree was probably discovered by an Indian who tried to quench his thirst during a malarial attack by drinking water near the plant and saw the fever abate. Jesuit priests heard the story and popularised its use
The anesthetics nitrous oxide and ether
Mustine, a derivative of the mustard gas (a chemical weapon), used for the treatment of some forms of cancer. In 1943, physicians noted that the white cell counts of US soldiers accidentally exposed when a cache of mustard gas shells were bombed in Bari, Italy, were decreased, and mustard gas was investigated as a therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
The first oral contraceptive (a.k.a. The Pill) was discovered by Dr. Carl Djerassi accidental production of synthetic progesterone and its intentional modification to allow for oral intake
Cephalosporins and cyclosporine
Prontosil, an antibiotic of the sulfa group was an azo dye. German chemists at Bayer had the wrong idea that selective chemical stains of bacteria would show specific antibacterial activity. Prontosil had it, but in fact it was due to another substance metabolised from it in the body, sulfanilimide.
Acetylsalicylic acid, or Aspirin, the first synthetic analgesic and antipyretic, was developed by German chemist Felix Hoffmann at Bayer, by the acetylation of salicylic acid, in order to reduce its side effects of nausea. Salisylic acid was used with the wrong notion that it would be an internal desinfectant to fight infections, because it released phenol inside the body.
Magainin, an antibiotic derived from the skin of frogs
Medicine and Biology
Bioelectricity, by Luigi Galvani. He was dissecting a frog at a table where he had been conducting experiments with static electricity, Galvani's assistant touched an exposed sciatic nerve of the frog with a metal scalpel, which had picked up a charge, provoking a muscle contraction.
Neural control of blood vessels, by Claude Bernard
Anaphylaxis, by Charles Richet, when he tried to reuse dogs that hadn't previously shown allergic reactions to sea anemone toxin, developed them much faster and more intense in the second time
The role of pancreas in glucose metabolism, by Oskar Minkowski. Dogs that had their pancreas removed for an unrelated physiological investigation, urinated profusely and the urine attracted flies, indicating its high glucose content
Coronary catheterization was discovered as a method when a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic accidentally injected radiocontrast into the coronary artery instead of the left ventricle.
The mydriatic effects of belladonna extracts, by Friedrich Ferdinand Runge
The Pap smear medical test for uterine cancer was discovered by Dr. Georgios Papanikolaou when he was investigating the cycle of cells in the vaginal fluid of a cancerous patient.
Vaccination, discovered by English physician Edward Jenner, after he observed that milkmaids would not catch smallpox since they caught benign cowpox first.
Interferon, an antiviral factor, was discovered accidentally by two Japanese virologists, Yasu-ichi Nagano and Yasuhiko Kojima while aiming to develop an improved vaccine for smallpox.
Physics and Astronomy
High-temperature superconductivity was discovered serendipetuously by physicists Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Müller, ironically when they were searching for a material that would be a perfect isolator (nonconducting). They were awarded the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics for that.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, by Arno A. Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson. What they tought was an excess electrical noise due to temperature in their antenna at Bell Labs amounted to the long-sought CMBR.
Radioactivity, by Henri Becquerel. While trying to investigate phosphorescent materials using photographic plates, he stumbled upon uranium.
X rays, by Wilhelm Roentgen. Interested in investigating cathodic ray tubes, he noted that some fluorescent papers in his lab were illuminated at a distance
Electromagnetism, by Hans Christian Oersted. While he was setting up his materials for a lecture, he noticed a compass needle deflecting from magnetic north when the electric current from the battery he was using was switched on and off.
J/Psi meson, by Samuel C.C. Ting and Burton Richter.
Pulsars, by Antony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell Burnell. What these radio-astronomers thought was a radio emission from intelligent sources in a far away galaxy, resulted in the discovery of a new type of rapidly rotating star.
Cosmic gamma-ray bursts were discovered in the late 1960s by the US Vela satellites, which were built to detect nuclear tests in the Soviet Union
Metallic hydrogen was found accidentally in March 1996 by a group of scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, after a 60-year search.
The thermoelectric effect was discovered accidentally by Estonian physicist Thomas Seebeck, in 1821, who found that a voltage developed between the two ends of a metal bar when it was submitted to a difference of temperature.
Pluto's moon Charon was discovered by US astronomer James Christy in 1978. He was going to discard what he thought was a defective photographic plate of Pluto, when his Star Scan machine broke down. While it was being repaired he had time to study again the plate and discovered others in the archives with the same "defect" (a bulge in the planet's image which was actually a large moon).
Velcro by Georges de Mestral. The idea came to him after walking his dog through a field and observing the hooks of burdock attached to his pants
Discovery of the principle behind inkjet printers by a Canon engineer. After putting his hot soldering iron by accident on his pen, ink was ejected from the pen's point a few moments later.
Vulcanization of rubber, by Charles Goodyear. A piece of rubber mixture with sulfur was accidentally left by him on a hot plate, producing hard rubber
The popsicle came as a commercial idea when Frank Epperson left a glass of soda water outside during the winter, and got a cylindrical block of ice with the stirring stick to hold it.
Safety glass, by French scientist Edouard Benedictus. In 1903 he accidentally knocked a glass flask to the floor and observed that the broken pieces were held together by a liquid plastic that had evaporated and formed a thin film inside the flask.
The Ivory-brand handsoap had its unique water floating properties discovered at Procter and Gamble soap factory when an absent-minded worker left the mixing machine run for too long, introducing air bubbles into the soap bar, and customers asked for more of it.
Photography, by Louis Daguerre
Post-it Notes by Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry. They tried to develop a new glue at 3M, but it would not dry. So they devised a new use for it.
Corn flakes and wheat flakes (Wheaties) were accidentally discovered by the Kellogs brothers in 1898, when they left cooked wheat untended for a day and tried to roll the mass, obtaining a flaky material instead of a sheet.
The microwave oven was invented as a consequence of radar test carried out in England after the II World War, when an engineer walked in front of the antenna while it was on and a chocolate bar in a pocket melted. "

Emerald. said...

"Di. 19 september 2006. Het laatste nieuws lees je het eerst op NU.nl




Foto v/d maand

'Nederland beter voorbereid op toekomst'

Uitgegeven: 19 september 2006 13:51
Laatst gewijzigd: 19 september 2006 16:57

DEN HAAG - Het kabinet heeft met zijn ingrepen van de afgelopen regeerperiode "een stevige basis gelegd" voor de komende jaren. "Ons land staat er sterk voor. Nederland werkt", zei koningin Beatrix dinsdagmiddag in de troonrede.

Bekijk video: Modem/ Breedband

Beatrix op weg naar de troon

De majesteit maakte duidelijk dat er veel van burgers is gevraagd, maar dat Nederland nu "beter voorbereid is op de toekomst". De Rijksbegroting is in evenwicht, aldus de koningin. Nederland is weer concurrerender, er zijn meer mensen aan het werk en de koopkracht van burgers neemt toe.

De koningin noemde onder meer de invoering van een "sociaal en solide zorgstelsel" dit jaar. Hierdoor en door andere maatregelen is het aantal uitkeringen voor werkloosheid, arbeidsongeschiktheid en bijstand voor het eerst sinds jaren gedaald.

Door het kabinetsbeleid zijn volgens de koningin "de voorwaarden voor het behoud van de AOW en andere collectieve voorzieningen voor volgende generaties" geschapen. De Rijksbegroting voor 2007 is daardoor "een solide brug naar de toekomst".


De koningin noemde in de troonrede een aantal maatregelen voor komend jaar, zoals meer geld voor politieagenten, het wegwerken van de wachtlijsten in de jeugdzorg en de verlenging van de leerplicht tot 18 jaar voor jongeren die onvoldoende gekwalificeerd zijn voor de arbeidsmarkt.

De koningin besteedde in de troonrede veel aandacht aan het buitenlandbeleid. Ze wees op de belangrijke internationale verantwoordelijkheid die Nederland heeft. "Samen met andere landen zijn we drager van de internationale rechtsorde." In landen als Afghanistan en Bosnië staan Nederlandse militairen "op de bres voor orde, veiligheid en wederopbouw". De koningin memoreerde de slachtoffers die bij die vredesmissies zijn gevallen. "Onze gedachten gaan uit naar hen die een dierbare in deze missies hebben verloren."


De koningin onderstreepte voorts dat op 22 november Tweede Kamerverkiezingen plaatsvinden. De regering is zich er dan ook van bewust dat "dit zorgvuldigheid vereist bij het indienen van een begroting".

De koningin sprak de troonrede traditiegetrouw uit in de Ridderzaal, die onlangs ingrijpend is gerenoveerd. De koningin noemde de Ridderzaal "een symbool van onze democratische rechtsstaat".

Troonrede 'af en toe een promotiepraatje'
Kabinet wil Nederland 'toekomstvast' maken
Troonrede van 'werkgeverskabinet'
Koningin steelt de show met goudkleurige jurk

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(c) ANP


Emerald. said...

bron: Avro

De oudmannen van Kopspijkers, Paul Groot en Owen Schumacher, presenteren het programma Koefnoen, waarin ze de actualiteit op hilarische wijze doornemen. Dit programma is beperkt terug te kijken. Na de herhaling op zondag is de laatste aflevering hier nogmaals te bekijken van maandagochtend tot en met donderdagmiddag, maar kan wegens drukte slecht bereikbaar zijn.

Emerald. said...


Emerald. said...

<<< <<<

Emerald. said...

...Multi... Vitaminen...

Quick. Layers...

>>> <<< >>> <<< >>> >>>

Emerald. said...


Emerald. said...

"Lime. Lights..."

Emerald. said...

