Wednesday, September 20, 2006


(Life is peaceful there)
Go W
est (In the open air)

~ Pet Shop Boys / Go West

You are


Emerald. said...

NL... "Sternet- en spitsbussen: Uitstappen bij halte P12/Vrachtgebouw. Triport 1 is te bereiken via de looproute door de parkeergarage P12."

Emerald. said...


Je inventariseert actief welke verwachtingen collega’s en klanten hebben en voldoet hieraan. Je doet voorstellen met betrekking tot individuele doelstellingen en geeft regelmatig, uit eigen beweging, informatie over de voortgang van te bereiken doelen. Daardoor weet
je doelstellingen consistent te behalen binnen de gestelde condities.

Je toont een enthousiaste en betrokken aanpak en je kunt een hoog werktempo gedurende lange tijd volhouden zonder aan effectiviteit te verliezen. Je wendt je energie dus op de juiste manier aan en haalt energie uit het werk.

Je bent op de hoogte van ontwikkelingen in de markt en je ziet kansen binnen je eigen marktbewerkingsgebied. Daarom grijp je alle mogelijkheden aan om mee te denken over nieuwe methodieken, vormen van dienstverlening, etc.

Je leeft je in de klant en diens organisatie in. Daarbij vraag je door op de onderliggende oorzaken van klantvragen. De klantbehoefte vertaal je naar passende concrete acties.
Je neemt de verantwoordelijkheid voor klantvragen op je en doet realistische beloften, deze kom je ook na. Waar nodig betrek je bij klantcontacten collegae van een ander niveau. Je bent in staat om als gelijkwaardige partner naar de klant te opereren.

Je staat open voor verandering en past desgevraagd je gedrag en/of aanpak aan. Je bent in staat om mee te buigen.

Mondeling communiceren
Je communiceert mondeling op een duidelijke en zelfverzekerde manier. Je stelt verschillende vragen: open, gesloten, vervolgvragen. Daarbij pak je signalen van je gesprekspartner op en vat je samen. Om de boodschap nog beter over te brengen, gebruik je hulpmiddelen.

Je werkzaamheden plan je op de korte tot middellange termijn, je anticipeert daarbij op onvoorziene gebeurtenissen. Je bent dus realistisch en stelt tussentijdse meetpunten vast om de voortgang te bewaken. Je stelt jezelf concrete doelen en prioriteiten en werkt op basis hiervan een plan uit. Zo weet je ook grotere hoeveelheden werk, effectief te structureren.

Binnen het team stel je je samenwerkingsgezind op, je deelt kennis en informatie en streeft harmonie na. Je levert inspanningen ten bate van het team, deelt, gevraagd én ongevraagd, je kennis met anderen. Je denkt dus mee en vraagt ook anderen om een bijdrage, hier op bouw je weer voort. Je kunt het teambelang boven je eigenbelang plaatsen. Zaken die de samenwerking belemmeren, maak je bespreekbaar.

Probleemoplossend vermogen
Je bent in staat ook de meer complexe problemen zelfstandig op te lossen. In een vraagstuk herken je hoofden bijzaken en je vraagt door op de oorzaken van het probleem.


Emerald. said...

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Emerald. said...


"Tanks in Bangkok in de kleur van koning Bhumibol
De staatsgreep in Thailand is het gevolg van maanden politieke chaos. Premier Thaksin had zich te lang te weinig aangetrokken van de protesten tegen zijn populistische opstelling.
Door onze correspondent Ben Knapen"

Emerald. said...

" Beraad op adviezen aan Nederlanders in Bangkok
DEN HAAG (ANP) - De Nederlandse ambassade in Bangkok beraadt zich woensdagmorgen over eventuele adviezen aan de Nederlanders in Thailand. Dat zei een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag dinsdagavond.
Het Britse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken raadde Britten in Thailand dinsdag aan, menigten en demonstraties te mijden. De Fransen in het land zijn opgeroepen thuis te blijven.

In Thailand wonen naar schatting enkele duizenden Nederlanders, van wie iets meer dan duizend in Bangkok. Het is onduidelijk hoeveel Nederlandse vakantiegangers momenteel in Thailand verblijven.

Het ministerie in Den Haag heeft uit contacten met de Nederlandse ambassade begrepen dat het nu rustig is in Bangkok en omgeving.


Emerald. said...

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"The bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands, though encountered an ups and down moments, has in general, steadfastly remained cordial in its course. The social cultural relationship, particularly the "people-to-people" contact in certain level, strengthen the close linkages between the two nations and leading to a positive impact in the relationship between these two respective governments.

The change in international political constellation and the decreasing influence of the old generation involved in the colonization era have considerably brought change to the "role of conception" of Dutch foreign policy towards Indonesia. In this regard, the historical relations between the two countries is no longer important as determinant factor of Dutch foreign policy towards Indonesia. In this connection, the Netherlands no longer considers itself as being responsible to Indonesia by providing a special treatment but views the bilateral relationship with Indonesian government as an equal counterpart between a country in Europe and other country in Southeast Asia, and only stressing the sustainable economic cooperation.

The indication of these changes could be seen from the priority of the Dutch foreign policy and development cooperation program under the Balkenende II Cabinet as the Netherlands government shifted its priority towards African and South European countries from its former colonies i.e. Indonesia and Suriname. The change of "role of conception" certainly brought changes of Dutch major interest to Indonesia.

However, the relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia reached its low ebb after the dissolution of IGGI (Inter Governmental Group on Indonesia) and the breaking off of the development cooperation by Indonesia in 1992. Nonetheless, in connection with the visit of Her Majesty the Queen Beatrix to Indonesia in 1995, the relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands has returned to its normalcy. During the ceremonial presentation of credentials by the Indonesian Ambassador in The Hague on 4 December 2002, Her Majesty the Queen conveyed to the Ambassador of Indonesia her message of hope for a steadfast course of Indonesia towards a just and prosperous country under the leadership of President Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In the political sphere, mutual concerns have been placed into their attention. In response to the issue of separatism in Indonesia, the Government of the Netherlands conveys its full support to the territorial integrity of Indonesia and non-recognition of any separatist movements who lives in the Netherlands. The Government of the Netherlands remains confident that the Government of Indonesia will find peaceful solution in its internal affairs in response to the conflict areas without foreign interference and further welcomes Indonesias concerted efforts in securing order in the aforesaid areas.

In general, within the deliberation among members of the European Union, the Netherlands view and position towards Indonesia is often considered to the EUs policy formulation as the Netherlands has better knowledge on Indonesia taking into account of the historical relations between the two countries.

In the reform process in Indonesia, the cooperation and relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia increased wherein commitments of support towards the reformation process has been broadly attentive on several key bilateral cooperation i.e. law, military and police, and other public official training in the field of human rights, good governance and rule of law .

The bilateral relationship between the Netherlands and Indonesia is highlighted when H.E. Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, former President of the Republic of Indonesia visited the Netherlands on February 2002 of which a Memorandum of Understanding on the Agenda for Renewed and Intensified Bilateral Co-operation was signed in which one of the major agreements was to establish a Joint Commission encompassing all sectors, though it has yet to take effect and be implemented.

Based on the political and economic situation in Indonesia as well as the Netherlands support for Indonesias reformation process and full support for Indonesias territorial integrity, windows of viable opportunities between these respective countries lies in the years ahead.

The Hague, 25 July 2003

Emerald. said...



Emerald. said...

"Absolute Beginners (song)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"Absolute Beginners”

Single by David Bowie
From the album Absolute Beginners
B-side ”Absolute Beginners (Dub Mix)”
Released March 1986
Format 7”/12” single
Recorded Abbey Road Studios, London, June 1985
Genre Rock
Length 5:36
Label Virgin
Producer David Bowie, Alan Winstanley, Clive Langer
Chart positions #2 (UK)
#53 (US)
David Bowie singles chronology
"Dancing in the Street"
1985 "Absolute Beginners”
1986 "Underground"
"Absolute Beginners" was the theme tune to the film of the same name, composed and performed by David Bowie.

Bowie was good friends with the film’s director, Julien Temple (who had worked with him in 1984 on the Jazzin' for Blue Jean short film), and landed both the supporting role of Vendice Partners, and the deal to record the theme tune.

The sessions, at Abbey Road Studios, were set up in a novel way, with a group of session musicians all receiving a card to work at the studio with “Mr X”, who turned out to be Bowie. The sessions were completed rapidly, but the song was delayed due to the problems with completing the film – Virgin wanted the release to tie in with the film’s opening. Shortly after the sessions wrapped, Mick Jagger flew in to record “Dancing in the Street”, which used many of the same musicians. The song fused 1950s-style doo-wop with Bowie's 1980s sound.

Temple also filmed the promotional clip, which fitted in with the 1950s style of the movie. The video was a homage to an old British advert for Strand cigarettes – their ill-fated advertising tagline “You’re never alone with a Strand” is quoted by Partners in the film. It also uses footage from the film.

The single reached #2 in the UK charts, and #53 in America. Bowie has since performed it live on his Glass Spider and 2000 tours.

Contents [hide]
1 Track listing
2 Production credits
3 Live versions
4 Other releases
5 Cover versions
6 References


Emerald. said...

"Wie een baan heeft of om andere redenen niet fulltime kan of wil studeren, kan zich ook als deeltijdstudent inschrijven. Aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam kan dat bij ongeveer de helft van alle masteropleidingen.

Deeltijdstudenten betalen minder collegegeld, maar het studieprogramma dat zij volgen is identiek aan de voltijdopleiding, en na afronding van de studie ontvangen zij dan ook hetzelfde masterdiploma als een voltijdstudent. Een deeltijdstudie duurt gemiddeld echter anderhalf keer langer dan een voltijdstudie, omdat er per jaar minder punten geprogrammeerd staan.

Studeren in deeltijd komt neer op een tijdsinvestering van 20 tot 25 uur per week. De colleges worden, afhankelijk van de opleiding, overdag, 's avonds of op zaterdag gegeven. Daarnaast hebben deeltijdstudenten recht op dezelfde voorzieningen als voltijdstudenten, zoals de universiteitsbibliotheek (die ook ’s avonds geopend is), de universitaire restaurants, het talenpracticum, kinderopvang, et cetera.

In sommige gevallen zijn er specifieke faciliteiten voor deeltijders, zoals de mogelijkheid om alle colleges in de avonduren te volgen of op één weekdag te plannen. Dit is bij de meeste deeltijdopleidingen niet het geval.

Via onderstaande verwijzing is een lijst te raadplegen met alle masteropleidingen waarbij inschrijving als deeltijdstudent mogelijk is. Klik op een opleidingsnaam voor meer informatie over de betreffende opleiding. Zoals eerder gezegd betekent het feit dat er een inschrijvingsmogelijkheid als deeltijdstudent is niet dat de betreffende opleiding ook specifieke voorzieningen voor deeltijders heeft. Mocht er in de opleidingsbeschrijving geen informatie staan over de deeltijdvariant, dan is het aan te raden om contact op te nemen met de betreffende opleiding.

Emerald. said...

"US <<< >>> UK"

Emerald. said...

"The 'No Logo-ers' need to switch sides. Global business can redistribute wealth, transfer technology and make the world work more effectively – for the benefit of all. The WTO, the IMF and others are the activists’ best hope for steering our panicked planet off the rocks of inequality, oppression and environment-eating technology.

But there’s more to globalisation than Golden Arches by the Golden Temple, Cadillacs cruising the Valley of the Kings. Communities robbed by capitalism’s ‘invisible hand’ are voting with their feet, going after the First World wealth currently denied them. Opening borders to exchange is the only alternative to closing them against runaway migration.

Alan Shipman explains why globalisation is good – why it can spread the profits and spare the trees – and how multinationals will undermine the market economy and private property far more rapidly than the reddest-toothed revolutionary.

216 x 135mm paperback

Alan Shipman is an upcoming and unorthodox writer, journalist, and independent market analyst. A regular commentator for the BBC and The Guardian, he lives in Cambridge.

Emerald. said...

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Emerald. said...

US >>> <<< >>> UL

Emerald. said...


"At the beginning of time, only Antaboga the world snake existed. Antaboga meditated and created the world turtle Bedwang. Two snakes lie on top of the world turtle, as does the Black Stone, which forms the lid of the underworld. The underworld is ruled by the goddess Setesuyara and the god Batara Kala, who created light and the earth. Above the earth lies a layer of water, and above the water, a series of skies. Semara, god of love, lives in the floating sky, and above the sky lies the dark blue sky (space), home to the sun and moon. Next is the perfumed sky, which is full of beautiful flowers and is inhabited by Tjak, a bird with a human face; the serpent Taksaka; and a group of snakes collectively known as the Awan, who appear as falling stars. The ancestors live in a flame-filled heaven above the perfumed heaven, and finally beyond that is the abode of the gods."

Emerald. said...

"Groningen pronunciation (help·info) is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands with a typical Low Saxon dialect called Gronings (Grönnegs / Grunnegs in Gronings regional language), with local nuances. Nowadays, many inhabitants of the province do not speak the dialect, especially in the city of Groningen where many outsiders have moved.

In the east it borders the German region Niedersachsen, in the south with Drenthe, in the west with Friesland and in the north the Wadden Sea.

Land use in Groningen is mainly agricultural, it has a large natural gas field near Slochteren.

East Groningen has been the scene of a particularly fierce class struggle in the 19th and 20th century. Here was the only municipality (Beerta) where the Dutch Communist party has ever had a mayor (Hanneke Jagersma).

The capital of the province is the city of Groningen."

Emerald. said...

"Shanghai (Chinese: 上海; pinyin: Shànghǎi (help·info); Shanghainese: /zɑ̃'he/), situated on the banks of the Yangtze River Delta in East China, is the largest city of the People's Republic of China. Widely regarded as the citadel of China's modern economy, the city also serves as one of the most important cultural, commercial, financial, industrial and communications centers of China. Administratively, Shanghai is a municipality of the People's Republic of China that has province-level status. Shanghai is also one of the world's busiest ports, and became the largest cargo port in the world in 2005 [1].

Originally a sleepy fishing town, Shanghai became China's most important city by the 20th century and was the centre of popular culture, vice, intellectual discourse and political intrigue during the Republic of China. Shanghai once became the third largest financial centre in the world, ranking after New York City and London, and the largest commercial city in the Far East in the late 19th century and early 20th century. After the communist takeover in 1949, Shanghai languished under heavy central government taxation and much of its bourgeois elements were purged. Following the central government's authorization of market-economic redevelopment of Shanghai in 1992, Shanghai quickly surpassed early-starters Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and has since led China's economic growth. Some challenges remain for Shanghai at the beginning of the 21st century, as the city struggles to cope with increased worker migration, and a huge wealth gap. However, these challenges aside, Shanghai's skyscrapers and modern lifestyle mark the pinnacle of China's recent economic development.

Emerald. said...

Hertog Jan, a Dutch brand of beer, released a promotional version of Stratego with variant rules. It includes substantially fewer pieces, including only one Bomb and no Miners. Since each side has only about 18 pieces, the pieces are far more mobile. The scout in this version is allowed to move three squares in any combination of directions (including L-shapes) and there is a new piece called the archer, which is defeated by anything, but can defeat any piece other than the Bomb by shooting it from a two-square distance, in direct orthogonal directions only. If one player is unable to move any more of his pieces, the game results in a tie because niether players flag was captured.

Emerald. said...

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Emerald. said...

"Best bezochte Nederlandse Internet sites
Bron: MultiScope, top 10 sites 2005

Populairste rubrieken op
- augustus 2006
1 Studieboeken en Cursussen
2 Speelgoed | Overig
3 Kinderkleding | Maat 92
4 Kinderkleding | Maat 104
5 Kinderboeken
6 Woonaccessoires
7 Dames | Schoenen
8 Modelauto's en Miniaturen
9 Babykleding | Maat 68
10 Romans
Bron: Marktplaats search engine -- * augustus 2006

Meest gezochte woorden op
- augustus 2006 Gratis, korting, voordeel, geld, kopen
1 Golf
2 Gratis
3 Diesel
5 Cabrio
6 Mercedes
7 Polo
8 Astra
9 Honda
10 Tdi
Bron: Marktplaats search engine -- * augustus 2006

Meest gezochte woorden: Top 10 stijgers
- augustus 2006
1 Winterjas
2 Kast
3 Stones
4 Oilily
5 Salontafel
6 Ikea
7 Nieuw
8 Lego
9 Grenen
10 Laarzen
Bron: Marktplaats search engine - * augustus 2006
Website statistieken - augustus 2006
Bereik onder internetters (a)
Unieke bezoekers per maand (b) 7.930.000
Bezoeken per bezoeker, p/mnd (c) 14
Totaal bezoeken p/mnd (b x c) 110.020.000
Bezoeken per dag (b x c:31) 3.581.290
Bron: Multiscope, augustus 2006

Advertentie statistieken
Aantal advertenties op de site > 3.275.000
Aantal nieuwe advertenties p/dag > 140.000
Bron: Marktplaats site

Nieuwe advertenties per dag, per groep
- augustus 2006
Antiek en Kunst 6.606
Audio, TV en Video 4.180
Auto diversen 4.931
Auto's 3.575
Banen en Opleidingen 123
Boeken en Tijdschriften 11.321
Bouw en Tuin 4.768
Caravans en Kamperen 1.257
Computer Hardware 4.168
Computer Software 2.269
Contacten en Berichten 487
Diensten 178
Dieren en Toebehoren 5.042
Diversen 663
Elektronica en Witgoed 2.000
Fietsen en Accessoires 3.988
Fotografie 1.279
Hobby en Vrije tijd 5.747
Huis en Inrichting 13.159
Kinderen en Baby 24.699
Kleding en Schoenen 12.998
Motoren en Brommers 3.320
Muziek en Instrumenten 4.520
Sport en Fitness 2.429
Telecommunicatie 2.818
Vakantie en Toerisme 329
Verzamelen 7.440
Watersport en Boten 1.436
Woningen te Huur 176
Woningen te Koop 116
Zakelijke goederen 324
Totaal 140.748

Bron: Marktplaats site


Emerald. said...

"Communication barriers
The following factors can impede human communication:

Not understanding the language
Verbal and non-verbal messages are in a different language. This includes not understanding the jargon or idioms used by another sub-culture or group.
Not understanding the context
Not knowing the history of the occasion, relationship, or culture.
Intentionally delivering an obscure or confusing message.
Inadequate attention to processing a message. This is not limited to live conversations or broadcasts. Any person may improperly process any message if they do not focus adequately.
Improper feedback and clarification
In asynchronous communication, neglecting to give immediate feedback may lead to larger misunderstandings. Questions and acknowledgment such as ("what?") or ("I see") are typical feedback mechanisms.
Lack of time
There is not enough time to communicate with everyone.
Physical barriers to the transmission of messages, such as background noise, facing the wrong way, talking too softly, and physical distance.
Medical issues
Hearing loss and various brain conditions can hamper communication.
World-views may discourage one person from listening to another.
Fear and anxiety associated with communication is known by some Psychologists as communication apprehension. Besides apprehension, communication can be impaired via processes such as bypassing, indiscrimination, and polarization. "

Emerald. said...

( "Analyseer maar Raak" )

Emerald. said...

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"Er is geen Kant..."

Emerald. said...

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"Lightning Crashes..."

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